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  1. D

    Oven went kaput yesterday

    Our over the range microwave/hood started doing things on its own in February, beeping, turning itself on. We plug it in now when we need to use the thing. We are now used to 1200 watt and ordered a Kitchenaid which was backordered until May. That model keeps pushing back now to the end of...
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    New to me Performer Deluxe... Need to fix the push button igniter

    Michael, If you can get the old battery out, try putting a new battery in (positive side in) and try jumping from the negative terminal to the spring that wraps around the battery. If you get spark at the ignitor, all you need is the button posted above. If you don't, replace the whole thing...
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    Shortage of cat food?

    Rich is on the money. BOTH cat and dog foods are in short supply. Our cats eat only certain brands and Chewy is frequently out. We now buy it from any vendor that has it in stock. Also the prices are up across the board. Royal Canin seems to be particularly hard hit. Our son has...
  4. D

    Weber Grill Spray ?

    I use it when doing steaks on the Genesis. Works pretty well on the stainless grates, but too expensive for burgers.
  5. D

    What's the price of gas where you live?

    Just filled up at Sams Club. Price 15 minutes ago was $4.49.9 a gallon for regular. Not sure how long that will last. They ran out of all fuel 2 days ago at 2pm
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    Replacing the electric starter on a Genesis E330 - Should I get name brand or generic?

    Check the contact strips on the button and clean them. Quite often that is the issue as these have to make contact with the spring to complete the circuit. Also check the battery contacts in the button and the bottom of the ignitor pack. Worth a shot to save a few bucks.
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    Whiskey - what's your current favorite?

    Good Old JD No7 with ginger ale or Vernors.. Been drinking it for close to 50 years. Not a fan of any of their other offerings. For very special occasions, I have some JW Blue Label, but only for very special times. I once took the tour in Lynchburg while in Nashville at a conference. Did...
  8. D

    2008-2010 weber genesis e310 serial

    You can narrow down the years a little more by knowing how the manifold is supported on the frame and how the ignitor is configured. 2008 model year has a cross member bracket holding the manifold up under the valves and the ignitor goes through a separate hole in the firebox. 2009-2010 have...
  9. D

    Weber 2009 Restoration

    Nice save and restoration! A great grill which will cook better than the N-S burner configs. I like the casters and may have to do that on my 2008 and my son's 2008 since that roller casters are a pain. Happy grilling!!!
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    39 Wonderful Years Together

    Congrats to you and Barb. We're a little behind you crossing the 39 year mark last July. Many more years for you two!
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    Weber CEP-310 conversion to NG - heats too quickly

    Glad to hear you got the gas pressure issue resolved. You've got a great grill there one of the last few years of sidewinders. Plenty of parts still available for it. It will cook circles around the newer (post 2010) grills.
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    Replacing Burner Tubes in a 2008 Genesis E-310 LP (No Side Burner)

    Dominick: If your planning to keep this grill going as your own, you might want to replace those two manifold screws with machine bolts. My 2007 has machine bolts, lockwashers, and nuts as original equipment. Makes life much easier. Also, see if you can remove the lid pins and at least...
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    Manifold bracket nut and frame through cook box nut and bolt removal tips

    Jim & Larry are on the money. Also, if you can clean around the bolt heads inside the firebox, it also may help.
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    Paint for genesis enamel lid (not endcaps)?

    Steven: Where abouts in RI? I'm a fugitive from Wakefield/Narragansett. I'd go the paint thinner route for the rest of it and then the 000 steel wool and simple green to see what you actually have left.
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    Going Nuts (very short trip) Some Quick Cooks

    Rich isn't alone with the weather. Same here in Las Vegas, but we need the rain. The other afternoon we had a burst of hail (what they call here grapple) that totally covered the back yard and was bouncing off the Genesis. That same morning we had snow mixed in rain while Rhode Island was...
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    Replacing Burner Tubes in a 2008 Genesis E-310 LP (No Side Burner)

    As long as you can keep the rust at bay in the cabinet bottom and caster tubes, you are absolutely correct. Plus this is the last generation of E-W burners (sidewinders) that you can use a rotisserie effectively on. Happy grilling!
  17. D

    Texas vrs KC barbecue

    Tough call. I've had fantastic BBQ in both places and some pretty bad stuff too. Brisket definitely Texas. Ribs depends on who is smoking and the rub. Not big on sauces until after.
  18. D

    Scored a free '04 Genesis Gold C that could use a little love - not entirely sure what I'm looking at here

    Dave: Those are cast iron grates and while not great are still serviceable even with the rust which except at the left and right side edges where it on the top. Just keep the wire brush on them to keep them clean. Kind of the same thing with the flavor bars unless there are holes in them...
  19. D

    Too much griddle coverage?

    I have a Weber cast iron griddle that came with instructions only to replace one grate. It warms about damaging the firebox from too much heat being trapped below the griddle. DrAllan, I would be wary about how much heat you are trapping under the griddle material.
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    Replacing Burner Tubes in a 2008 Genesis E-310 LP (No Side Burner)

    Greg: Leave them be. You don't want to be tasting WD40 in your food! They don't ever need to be removed.

