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  1. Andrew F

    Smoking Wood

    That is kind of like asking is one BBQ sauce is good for all meats. Or one type of ice cream is good for all dessert.
  2. Andrew F

    Do you use a different sauce for Brisket vs Pork Shoulder?

    Remember to salt and pepper (equal mix) the snot out of the brisket too!
  3. Andrew F

    Rolling grey smoke for 2 hours??

    you are fine, cook away.
  4. Andrew F

    The Food Lab's Complete Guide to Sous Vide Burgers

    So you cook your burger, let it cool to room temp under paper towels to absorb any moisture and then cook it again to add texture and char to the outside? And if you grill them to need use a ripping hot grill? Isn't that how you are supposed to grill them any way? This seems like added steps...
  5. Andrew F

    Do you use a different sauce for Brisket vs Pork Shoulder?

    My opinion is that pork needs a vinegar based sauce. East Carolina style. 1 cup white vinegar 1 cup cider vinegar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 teaspoons cayenne pepper hot pepper sauce (e.g. Tabasco™) to taste 1 teaspoon salt Or South Carolina 3⁄4 cup yellow mustard 3⁄4 cup cider vinegar 1...
  6. Andrew F

    How do I know my probes are accurate?

    I don't want to sound all negative, but it looks like you shopped around for the cheapest probes and thermocouple you could find and now expect them to be scientifically accurate. I suggest you do the boil test, and a room temp test. I would also suggest that if you want accurate probes that...
  7. Andrew F

    J.D. lump review

    40$ a bag?!? yikes!
  8. Andrew F

    First time smoking. EVER. Whole packer prime brisket and pork butt

    When you run low on coals in the smoker, just pull off the middle section and dump more in. Give it a min or 5 to "settle down" and plop the middle section back on. You only have the 18.5, so it is not so bad. Not as easy as the baby 14, but a heck of a lot better than trying to hug it out...
  9. Andrew F

    New 4.3 Thermocouple Build Reading 218.5 in Boiling Water

    I hate to ask, but are you suspending the probes in boiling water and not letting them touch the sides and bottom of the pan? And are you holding them in boiling water, and not clipping them to the side of the pan while it comes up to a boil?
  10. Andrew F

    Custom BBQ charcoal ring

    I've made them from expanded steel. You can buy it at the local big box store. Or you can order all sorts of fancy metal on-line and make your own. That reminds me I need to give my local metal supplier a call.....
  11. Andrew F

    1st egg McBob of 2017

    Better down from the top than up from the bottom Bob!
  12. Andrew F

    Pork Shoulder help

    I'd wrap it in foil, jup the pit temp up to 300 and if all else fails, into the oven at 350-375 to finish.
  13. Andrew F

    Post your live HeaterMeter Cooks

    Going for a quick New Years appetizer cook.
  14. Andrew F

    Two turkeys at once?

    No "possibly!" Do it! And get one that has multiple probes as well. LOL You can't take too many temperatures. Ok, I suppose you can, but I have had 6 probes in one cook ( Pit temp upper grate, pit temp lower grate, Butt #1, Butt#2, beans, brisket.) I always run a minimum of two (food and...
  15. Andrew F

    4th Brisket Question

    same day brisket might be a bit crammed for time, but if you get up early enough, like have it on the smoker by 5-5:30 you should be able to eat before 7pm. You don't sacrifice flavor by wrapping, just texture. Your bark will be softer. I feel that pecan will be too mild of a wood for...
  16. Andrew F

    Setting up my HeaterMeter - battery power and headless

    I have all my vents plugged, except the top, which always runs full open when I'm cooking. The tighter you can make the smoker, the "better" the HM will manage the temperatures. When you get wind gust blowing into a mostly closed door,or a slightly ajar bottom vent it can cause all sorts of...
  17. Andrew F

    Setting up my HeaterMeter - battery power and headless

    A couple of small issues. You have a 1/2 to 3/4" adapter in there. That will be a flow restriction. I'm not sure you have enough holes drilled or the ones you have drilled are big enough. Given both of those "issues," I would stay with a blower over a fan. The aluminum pan is a heat shield...
  18. Andrew F

    Cured Smoked Beef Tenderloin

    This tread is useless with out recipe and how to! looks really good.
  19. Andrew F

    vents open/closed for storage

    mine are closed, as they are plugged for ATC usage, but i keep the top open and the door off. It does live under its factory cover.
  20. Andrew F

    Basic question

    I too like to bury my wood. :rolleyes:

