Search results

  1. JKim in MA

    Genesis Silver ?

    Silver B Premium.
  2. JKim in MA

    Genesis S320?

    Prepare to be AMAZED by his collection of parts.
  3. JKim in MA

    My reborn '00 26" Flat-top Black Weber Kettle

    Jon, I'm a fan of your work. Nice job on this one as usual.
  4. JKim in MA

    Questions on my 2004 Genesis Silver B Restoration

    That plastic endcap is likely seized and it's not going to come out unless you cut it off. I'd leave it in place unless it's broken. As for the rotted piece, you can cut it off and then splice in a replacement using 1" or 1.25" square steel tubing and Mcmaster-Carr threaded inserts
  5. JKim in MA

    What do you guys think of this deal

    I'd definitely do it for $250. (sorry to be an enabler, but I love spending other people's money LOL) But like you said, the projected net cost is $0.
  6. JKim in MA

    Amazon/Uniflasy grate fit? I just bought that set for $44 shipped. I will let you all know how they look and feel.
  7. JKim in MA

    What Model Red Head Is This?

    BTW, it is not difficult to convert the single cross brace design to a dual, which would allow you to add a metal wire shelf, or even add a custom wooden shelf. Here's my old 700 which had no casters and no basket when I found it: after I mixed and matched some parts:
  8. JKim in MA

    What Model Red Head Is This?

    Man, look at the ecosystem on that left side table!
  9. JKim in MA

    24 hour fix and flip project: Q320

    A razor blade and then some steel wool. In the past, I have used my angle grinder and wire cup brush on a different Q grill that I rehabbed. The wire cup brush yields better results if the grease is baked on, but I went with a low tech method for this one because the it wasn't quite baked on yet.
  10. JKim in MA

    24 hour fix and flip project: Q320

    This grill popped up for sale just 15 minutes from my house, and I was able to pick it up the following morning. As I had some free time to spare, I decided to clean it up a bit (not a full-scale rehab) for resale. The good: 1) The grates were in very good shape, just needed a thorough...
  11. JKim in MA

    Angles on Angle Grinders...

    Jon, that's the one I use for FB cleanouts as well. I feel that design is safer, because as soon as you let go of the grinder, it shuts off.
  12. JKim in MA

    HELP!! need 1 wheel caster plastic INSERT to frame for Genesis Gold C model # 3261001

    For those that need a visual of what Mark is going through... take a look at the 2000-2001 Gold where the caster is: See that leg on the left? It's HUGE. No, a regular caster insert is not going to fit.
  13. JKim in MA

    HELP!! need 1 wheel caster plastic INSERT to frame for Genesis Gold C model # 3261001

    This appears to be the early 2000s oddball Genesis Gold that used a 3" caster. The insert number appears to be 97362 which has since been discontinued. The caster itself, while still available, does not come with the insert.
  14. JKim in MA

    wallmart western lump

    This link will be even quicker, just enter your ZIP
  15. JKim in MA

    10 dolla holla (new Redhead from Craigslist)

    Bobby, I like this picture better:
  16. JKim in MA

    10 dolla holla (new Redhead from Craigslist)

    Clint, If you look at the end of that regulator, it doesn't have the black Acme plastic fitting. You can buy just the fitting for about $8 online and use your existing regulator...or you could just buy a new regulator for a few bucks more. It does appear to be a Genesis 1... wow that is super...
  17. JKim in MA

    Stainless grate and wire cup brush questions

    I've sold at least 3 grills with rehabbed Weber SS grates during the last 12 months. That wire cup will be just fine to use. Here's the picture from the last grill I sold using SS grates: Good luck!
  18. JKim in MA

    Budget restoration project, 2005 Genesis Gold C, curbside find

    Next up on the repair list: 1) New crossover tube (I have good spare burners, but no crossover tubes). They are cheap enough at $10 shipped 2) A new dual piezo igniter button if I want to keep the side burner 3) 1 replacement burner (I have spares) 4) 2 new casters (I have new replacements in...
  19. JKim in MA

    Broilmaster (first one) Finally Done!

    It's about time he sold one! Just kidding.
  20. JKim in MA

    Budget restoration project, 2005 Genesis Gold C, curbside find

    Here is Project Lazarus, the 2005 Genesis Gold C that was offered for scrap, with the all-too-common rusty bottom shelf: The goal is to spend as little as possible using parts already in possession or acquired on the cheap Here's a mid-progress picture after converting to the cart design (I...

