Stainless grate and wire cup brush questions


Dave in KC

This is what is supposed to be the stainless grate off of a Genesis Gold
that I will start rehabbing later this week. This is after if was soaked in
vinegar for 3 days.



What is my best option to remove the rust?
Should I take the wire cup brush on the grinder to it?
Why is my cup brush so flat? Is that normal after only one use?
That type of cup brush will flatten out. The twisted braid type holds up better but is a bit "harder" on what you're cleaning. I would not even worry about what you're calling rust. It's not it's just a normal patina after that stainless gets really hot. You'll never get it shiny again. Honestly on that type of grate I'd just hit them with Easy Off and call it a day
Really? Well, I guess that is good that I don't have to replace it, but it will look like crap
in a freshly cleaned fire box with bright burners and a shiny new flavorizers.
Really? Well, I guess that is good that I don't have to replace it, but it will look like crap
in a freshly cleaned fire box with bright burners and a shiny new flavorizers.

Don't worry, as long as you use the grill it will only be all shiny for a short time.:D
Yah, It looks like other than the "rust", they are smooth and clean. I say brush and wipe down the grates. Then oil them, heat it up, cool it down, then re-oil them and drop a couple Ribeyes on them.

Wire cup brush looks very typical to me after a little use. The bristles will get shorter and shorter and soon you will notice them falling out more and more. They hurt like hell when they hit your bare skin. I have even had to pick them out of my arms. They are like little spears. If you ever use one without eye protection, you can imagine what one of those things would to an eye ball.
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Good to know that I don't have to replace those also. I am replacing the burners tubes already.
Burners would wipe out any chance of decent profit on this one. The Red Head 1100 that I have
spent the last 3 weeks on will likely result in about $1.50 per hour of labor profit, but I am chalking
that up to learning experience. I don't need another money pit. LOL
Burner tubes should only be about $25 per set with crossover tube. Tubes and flavo bars should be under $60 total.
I've sold at least 3 grills with rehabbed Weber SS grates during the last 12 months.

That wire cup will be just fine to use. Here's the picture from the last grill I sold using SS grates:


Good luck!

