Search results

  1. T MacGreggor

    Got my 14.5" for $70 and here are my mods.....

    Great deal on the WSM and nice mods! If you plan on using lump, try getting a second charcoal grate and place it perpendicular to the first. That'll keep those small bits of lump from falling through. Then you can attach both grates to the charcoal ring with stainless hose clamps or wire...
  2. T MacGreggor

    Didn't do as well as some...

    Congrats! Nothing wrong with nearly half off retail. Once you get it seasoned you'll be amazed at how efficient and stable the 14 WSM is.
  3. T MacGreggor

    Pecan Smoked Turkey Breast

    Looks excellent, Pat! If the wife liked that, you should try smoking a whole turkey on the lower grate for Thanksgiving. I've had good results mounting them vertically on a beercan chicken stand.
  4. T MacGreggor

    New Family Member

    Congrats, Jerome & family!
  5. T MacGreggor

    Lowes & H.Depot Labor Day Kingsford Sale 9/1 to 9/5

    Yep, Lowes doesn't either in my experience.
  6. T MacGreggor

    Lowes & H.Depot Labor Day Kingsford Sale 9/1 to 9/5

    Identical price and sale period at both. $9.88 per two pack of 18.6 lb bags.
  7. T MacGreggor

    My First Weber Kettle Grill

    Awesome deal, Rob. You won't regret it. Don't forget to stock up on Kingsford during the Labor Day week sale at Lowes and Home Depot that's right around the corner. The next sale usually isn't until Memorial Day week the following year, so get enough to last you a good 9 months...
  8. T MacGreggor

    Weber Genesis gas grills at Lowes for $100 off

    With free delivery and assembly
  9. T MacGreggor

    Tri Tip and Twice Baked Plank Potatoes.

    Great looking cook, Rich! Looks like your hawk it's missing it's beak. Poor guy.
  10. T MacGreggor

    New 14.5"wsm! Now I have the whole set!

    Congrats on the awesome wife, deal and first cook! You'll be surprised how efficient the 14.5 is.
  11. T MacGreggor


    I'm not particular about my coffee either, but I like to have a few cups a day. There's lots of potential health benefits with moderate caffeinated coffee consumption. .
  12. T MacGreggor

    Found On Road Dying

    Wow, the things some people will throw away never fails to amaze. Very nice score, Ken!
  13. T MacGreggor

    What Do You Use The Top Vent For?

    Doesn't sound like you're missing a thing, Pat.
  14. T MacGreggor

    Chicken Drums a Little Different Way

    Looking good, Rich! Glad things are starting to get back to normal for you guys.
  15. T MacGreggor

    Heirloom Burgers

    Great looking tomato and cheeseburgers, Bob!
  16. T MacGreggor

    Couldn't pass up a deal, No Brainer 14.5" purchase at Wal-Mart

    What a deal! I already have one, but if I found another NIB for $50 I couldn't pass it up.
  17. T MacGreggor

    Not over the loss of the first one and now this.

    So sorry for your loss, Rich and Barb. It's never easy. Try to look at it this way: 13 years is a very good run for a Golden and you are both fortunate to have enjoyed that extra time with her.
  18. T MacGreggor

    Weber Grilling Spices

    Thanks for the heads up, Rich. Good idea too, Bob.
  19. T MacGreggor

    Not Getting the Heat

    I'd never ditch my charcoal baskets. They're far from being a gimmick when used correctly and they make clean up and reusing of old coals a breeze. Just shut your vents after a cook, then before the next cook grab both baskets together in the middle with one hand and shake them over a trash...
  20. T MacGreggor

    Not Getting the Heat

    A few things you can try: If you're putting the baskets together in the center of the grill so they form a rough oval, as Chad said you can try separating them by a couple inches, but I then load coals up into the space between the baskets for a larger, hotter grilling surface, then overfill...

