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  1. Gary H. NJ

    Ribeyes and strips with compound butter and shrimp!

    Hey I thought of shrimp as a condiment for steak! Just kidding. Perfectly cooked ribeyes.
  2. Gary H. NJ

    Today's cook

    My fear is that the temp on that pen is Fahrenheit, which would make it 121! Then again, it is winter where you are... Monetheless the food all looks great. Good times down under!
  3. Gary H. NJ

    Fatty Brisket Banh Mi

    I like the bahn mi brisket idea. That dry rub does sound a bit off balance. Thanks for the post!
  4. Gary H. NJ

    A "Tony R" Inspired Cook

    Two thumbs up. Very impressive cook.
  5. Gary H. NJ

    Chuck-Eye Steaks and Stuffed Mushrooms

    Nicely done Marty. Love those shrooms and chuck eyes.
  6. Gary H. NJ

    OTG Roadside Chicken, green beans, potato salad

    John try the recipe as written. Those spices are subtle but add the right flavor.
  7. Gary H. NJ

    Blackberry Pie on the 14 1/2 inch WSM

    go to the head of the class Cliff. You guys that bake on the grill amaze me. Woo, send me a slice while you're at it.
  8. Gary H. NJ

    Bacon on a couple Brownies

    And that's why I don't live in Fort Worth... but if I did, I'd be your best friend. ;) Love the brownies. Don't know if I've seen those before.
  9. Gary H. NJ

    Chicago Style Italian Beef Sandwiches

    Wow. Perfect dinner Peter. I would have gone easy and simply sliced those onions thick and grilled them. Hats off!
  10. Gary H. NJ

    Beef ribs -N- Noodles

    Are you kidding me? With Grandma's homemade noodles? Killer dinner Russ. I tip my hat.
  11. Gary H. NJ

    OTG Roadside Chicken, green beans, potato salad

    Hey all. Picked up a local free range 4 lb chicken, spatchcocked it and marinated using Rick Bayless's recipe. Banked the coals so the breast was furthest away from the heat. In theory, breast and thighs should be done at the same time. Just on: Kept the heat moderate to avoid burning. It...
  12. Gary H. NJ

    It was a Crown Royal Maple Glazed Fattie kind of Friday

    The king of breakfast fatties! Woot! Nice hibiscus Jo Anne.
  13. Gary H. NJ

    Wagyu Hanger Steak

    Man I love a good hanger. I bet it was great. Nice post Jim.
  14. Gary H. NJ

    Roasted Chicken hung PBC style in the WSM

    Super chicken. Love the greens, beans and cornbread too.
  15. Gary H. NJ

    July 4th Brisket

    Fantastic work Mark. The beans and slaw look great too.
  16. Gary H. NJ

    Chuck eye and Boneless Flanken Rib Tacos w/ Grilled Sweet Potato Salad, Avocado Soup!

    Thanks Bill, and everyone else who visited with their kind comments. Wishing everyone a Happy Independence Day.
  17. Gary H. NJ

    Chicken with tomatoes, Mozz, and Basil

    Beautiful post Max. First class.
  18. Gary H. NJ

    Butcher Paper Chuck

    "Deeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious" I have no doubt.
  19. Gary H. NJ

    Latin pork roast with mojo.

    If you're making Cuban sammie's I'm coming over. ;)

