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  1. Clint

    Roll Call

    Ed - your pic just gave me an idea - individual meatloaf patties! Nice ferris wheel for the meat
  2. Clint

    Get off of my Lawn!

    I thought the same thing, but I don't have much hope - the mom just provides too nice of a free environment. When I moved here >15 years ago I told the old man to kick him out (we got along real well). He passed on ~8 years ago (diabetic1/stroke complication).
  3. Clint

    Roll Call

    Present and accounted for! Uploaded pic from phone - mobile seems better
  4. Clint

    Get off of my Lawn!

    My neighbor across the street's a bit of a hassle & I'm wondering what to do. The mom is a retired school teacher, I really like her, then her son is probably ~39 years old, and the nicest kid, but he's on more meth & heroin each day than you could imagine (you'd never know by looking at him or...
  5. Clint

    How long will cheese stay vacuum sealed?

    I wonder if the smoke does anything for preservation?
  6. Clint

    Sams Club Rant

    I'm as irritated by Costco's show me your receipt policy, so much that I won't buy another membership. I walked out past them one time probably about 15 years ago. "Sir, Sir, Sirrrrrrr". I just kept walking. The last time I went (1 month ago) I held the receipt in my hand on the cart handle...
  7. Clint

    Forum Moves To New Software Starting Wednesday 2/12/20

    Good Luck! Can't wait to see all the new (and keep the old!) features! There's so much here I'd hate to lose.
  8. Clint

    Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins

    I liked the bit with the Three Stooges towards the end >>> My random thought: I wish just buying a book would give me instant knowledge.
  9. Clint

    Your solar order is confirmed -OR- I'm so bright my dad used to call me sun

    I backed out. The system cost was more $$,$$$ than expected, I saw the design & it was a lot more panels than I expected (like 36 panels). I love the idea but this is definitely not something to rush. I wouldn't have cancelled but I saw the bill & it said I had 3 days from feb 1 when I put...
  10. Clint

    Superbowl Sunday

    I don't watch much football (loved playing it), but this was a fun game to watch! I noticed the collapsible panels in the helmets for the first time today. We did the fried jalapenos, onion rings, GARLIC burgers, dips/shrimp/etc.
  11. Clint

    Your solar order is confirmed -OR- I'm so bright my dad used to call me sun

    Yes - I think I'm jumping the gun though - the fed tax credit expiring next year is what spurred me. I've sent them the bills and a few pics, still need to send some more pictures of of my house. Thing is, they're starting a program (just a few states) where there's no commitment, no...
  12. Clint

    How A Vegan Diet Could Affect Your Intelligence

    Looks to be another low carb diet? I've seen many people on the diet, some even medium term (2-3 years) with success. I wonder how it'll work out for them. To me it just doesn't make sense. I made a small attempt at atkins in 2003, did another that put me into ketosis a couple times over the...
  13. Clint

    Keeping those wings crispy?

    I tried the Korean Fried Chicken Wings from ATK a couple years ago, it was interesting & worth a repeat. I'm trying to think of my best/crispiest wings on reheat. A thin, crispy exterior and a spicy-sweet-salty sauce are the hallmarks of Korean fried chicken. The biggest challenge is...
  14. Clint

    Keeping those wings crispy?

    Timothy's advice sounds good to me. Wings don't have to be super crispy imo. Sounds like you can make a good wing so all I have to say is good luck!
  15. Clint

    Your solar order is confirmed -OR- I'm so bright my dad used to call me sun

    @ ~$50 I wouldn't consider it - I just looked through my pwr bills - 2018 I was between $120 & $260, 2019 I put in a Sense energy monitor & a swamp cooler when I saw how much energy I was using & my highs dropped from $260 to $140. That's with an evaporative cooler pulling ~300-500 watts, not...
  16. Clint

    Your solar order is confirmed -OR- I'm so bright my dad used to call me sun

    Well I did it - I ordered a solar system. 40 kwh w/ 3 powerwalls Haven't put much thought in it, but the federal tax credits disappearing in a couple years. Looks like our power co is looking to end/reduce the reimbursement for net-metering (where the power company pays for excess energy)...
  17. Clint

    How A Vegan Diet Could Affect Your Intelligence

    Here's the video I was looking for:
  18. Clint

    How A Vegan Diet Could Affect Your Intelligence

    Dr John McDougall (pretty sure it was him) brought this up in a video I watched a week or 3 ago. He said "walk through the meat department, look around, breathe it all in, and see how you feel. That's not your food - you can't eat it like that - you have to season it, salt it, & cook it before...
  19. Clint

    Pigs eat UK farmer

    Down with Polish Sausages! Think I'll go give the dog a pig ear.

