Search results

  1. Mark Skeet

    meat log

    Jim, cool lanterns! Oh, and the food looks outstanding as well.
  2. Mark Skeet

    Too Hot to Bake

    Jon, that pizza looks perfect to me. Chicken too. For the 'za, what temp did you get to and how long did it take?
  3. Mark Skeet

    What else on the Fourth of July?

    Great ribs Jim!
  4. Mark Skeet

    In The Heat, Chipolte Chuck Eyes

    Nothing wrong with a little heat in the heat. Looks great Jim!
  5. Mark Skeet

    Wings, Rings and Potato Things

    That's my kind of dinner, Mike. Nice job!
  6. Mark Skeet

    Vintage Sequoia Stir Fry

    Originally posted by Jeff Kolodziejski: Jeff - May and June got very busy with soccer and vacation. The Performer is still awesome. I now should have some time to post again. Enjoy your 4th!
  7. Mark Skeet

    My first really succesfull cook...

    Outstanding pork Peter!
  8. Mark Skeet

    Simple halibut tacos!

    Love those fish tacos Morgan! I'd down about 2 dozen of those oysters as well.
  9. Mark Skeet

    Beer Can Chicken in Southeast Mexico

    Those chickens look great Natan!
  10. Mark Skeet

    7-up wings and a fatty.

    Beautiful Daniel! That fatty made me drool a bit on my iPad.
  11. Mark Skeet

    Day 2 of The Pig Pen dedication. Turkey.

    The turkey looks perfect, Tim. Great color on the bird.
  12. Mark Skeet

    first overnight cook..

    Nice video, Moy, and that pork looks great too!
  13. Mark Skeet

    Ribs + Chicken (missouri style)

    Everything looks beautiful Bob!
  14. Mark Skeet

    Vintage Sequoia Stir Fry

    Jeff, looks great! Next time you make so much food let me know. I certainly can come by and help you finish!
  15. Mark Skeet

    Father's Day Club Steaks, Hasselbacks

    Looks like you ate very well on Sunday!
  16. Mark Skeet

    Father's Day Ribeyes using Smoke EZ ring

    I'll take a steak like that Lew!
  17. Mark Skeet

    Just a little brisket and pork butt cook

    That looks absolutely outstanding Stewart!
  18. Mark Skeet

    Cherry wood Grilled Chicken

    The absolute best way to cook chicken. Looks like you nailed it again Jim.
  19. Mark Skeet

    CSR's for fathers day!

    Super plate Morgan!
  20. Mark Skeet

    Cheese Steak Stuffed Peppers

    Very creative Don. I love it!

