Day 2 of The Pig Pen dedication. Turkey.


Timothy Hoffman

TVWBB All-Star
My friend Dave brought over a turkey the day so we could do it up one day this week. Well Monday was the day.

Time to break in the mini-WSM I built the other week. 14# bird.


3 hours later. 300deg in the smoker and 170 deg in the breast.


Everyone loved it, except for a couple of the kids who dont like turkey.

Ok I figure I will make some of those fancy spiral hot dogs. What a mess. I did figure out what went wrong though. I am a lefty so I need to cut at the other angle and go left to right.

Originally posted by John Solak:
Great looking turkey!!!

WORD! +1

"What a mess. I did figure out what went wrong though. I am a lefty so I need to cut at the other angle and go left to right."


Great post!
Tim, i'm a "lefty" also... i did not show my first 3 dogs i cut up.

kids don't know whats good! Turkey is Good, yours looks EXCELLENT!
what type of wood did you smoke?
Heck y'all, just send me the bill for the messed up dogs.

The turkey looks great Tim!
And the dogs should make some great beanie weenies!
Thanks for the comments everyone. I originally want to do the bird beer can style but it just wouldnt fit! It went into the smoker with no seasoning. Apple wood was used for the smoke.

Dont worry about the hot dogs, we still ate them.
I will try them again tonight.
Great looking Turkey Timothy as for the hotdogs I'm not going to say a word until I attempt them and since I am a lefty also I will take the hint and reverse the cut.

