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  1. Andy in MA

    My new grill

    That's not a grill. It's a whole Kitchen!! Sweet set up. :)
  2. Andy in MA

    Help with water pan touching coals...

    I use about the same amount of Charcoal in my 18.5 WSM as you Mike when I do BB ribs. Maybe a little less, ( A 3/4 full chimney and about the same unlit in the ring. EDIT: Re reading your post Mike, yea, having lit coals touching the pan sounds to me like you have too muchcharcol in the ring...
  3. Andy in MA

    'Newbie' charcoal lighting/ temperature control question

    Ditto on using an empty water pan. Another trick when doing a high heat (Above 300 in my book) cook is to put briquettes in the charcoal ring, and place a full chimeny ontop of the charcoal. I then light up the chimney and when the charcoal in the chimney is ready, the coals in the ring are...
  4. Andy in MA

    Help for a brother...

    how about grilled sausage tossed with pasta with an aglio e olio sauce? Or with some rice and black beans?
  5. Andy in MA

    Door handled help with Cajun bandit door

    Door handle help with Cajun bandit door Hey Guys, I upgraded my WSM 22.5" by adding the S.S Cajun Bandit door and something isn't right...there's a lot of slop in the handle. When I installed it, I did have a problem with the brass insert in the handle stripping out, but that was fixed...
  6. Andy in MA

    Smoke Rack Ribs

    Can I ask a dumb question? Why? Canyou fit more racks in the cooker? Does hanging cook differntly than sitting on a grate? As the meat cooks and gets tender, wont' the weight of the ribs pull the rack off the hook? What are the benifits of hanging vs on a grill?
  7. Andy in MA

    The brown truck came yesterday evening...

    Congrats on the new Smoker. As far as the sauce, you can make a tray of sauced, one not. :)
  8. Andy in MA

    New 18.5" WSM Owner

    I cant' imagine the heat sheld effecting the cooking/temps/performance of the WSM. I believe it's there only as a safety device to protect the surface beneath the cooker. In fact up until a few years ago, WSM didn't have any heat sheilds what so ever. My 18.5 WSM doesn't have the shield...
  9. Andy in MA

    Considering a Genesis

    I ahve an EP 330. The buners run north to south. (I'ts my understanding all the Gensisi since 2009 have the N-S burners. With all the burners on (including the sear station) The grill hit's 700 in about 5-10 minutes. It's very well insualted and hold the temps very well...I went with the EP...
  10. Andy in MA

    Different Smoke Wood-Can a you Really Tell a Difference?

    I found I like the fruit woods, mostly apple, cherry and peach. I can't really tell the difference between them, but they all provide a nice smokey flavor without making the food taste like it was in a house fire, or bitter. Althought the amount of smoke will also effect the taste of the food...
  11. Andy in MA

    Time to say later to an old friend and HELLO to a new one

    That doenst' sound right. What was your old Weber? How long does it take your chimney to be ready? It takes me a good 15 mintues for a chimney of charcaol to ash over. My Genesis EP330 will be at 700 in less than 10 minutes.
  12. Andy in MA

    Just Purchased Summit E-420 - Opinions Welcome

    Nice buy Tom! Congrats! I've never heard any "grumblings" that the Gensis was built better than the Summit (??) A few threads down we were just discussing the EP Genesis vs a Summit and genereally it was simpley a question of if money wasn't a concern the Summit line is the way to go. :)
  13. Andy in MA

    Shining Up The Old WSM

    You're supposed to clean it?
  14. Andy in MA

    Making a memorable BBQ Event

    I've done Lobster & Clam bakes for large crowds. Messy, exspesive and smelly garbage. But fun!
  15. Andy in MA

    Genesis or Summit?

    Phil, what did you find was nicer? Construction? Performance? Features? I struggled with the Genny/Summit queston too, but never had the chance to cook on a Summit. Inquiring minds want to know! :)
  16. Andy in MA

    Genesis or Summit?

    I have the EP 330, and am thrilled with it. But compared to the Summit 470? I dunno - Never used it. If money isn't an issue then yea, go for the big boy. If the extra $1000 is a concern, I'd take a closer look at the EP330. You can add the hanlde light and a rosttissare to the EP33...
  17. Andy in MA

    New Owner by the end of January

    I'm another vote for don't let the mod's get in the way of cooking. While the mod's are fine and may improve/enhance/customize your WSM, the cooker is ready to go and will work great without mods right out of the box. In fact I'd strongly recomend you wait until you've used it a least a...
  18. Andy in MA

    MOINK Balls questions

    Yup. You will to need to put a toothpick through the meatball to hold the bacon. Works a lot better if the meatball isn't frozen. :)
  19. Andy in MA

    I'm confuuuzed...

    Yup. It's confusing. What you and I would consider a shoulder is called a butt. What you and I would think is the butt (hind legs) are hams. ;)
  20. Andy in MA

    Master Forge Rib Rack

    You can also order it on line from Lowes: Just type in "Rib Rack" in the "what are you looking for?" Search box. They have several racks, including the Master forge one.

