I'm confuuuzed...


Allen Fraley

TVWBB Member
Alright I'm new so don't laugh....well go ahead if ya wanna:cool:

I have read a little from some books and it stated in one that "bone in shoulder, sometimes called a pork butt....."
So for the last week I have been thinking that a shoulder and butt is the same:confused: Although I surely know the difference between my shoulder and butt..lol

Then I read this thread and Mike indicated they were different.


Set me straight please

P.S. I think I know all the other parts....:o
In the pork world, the term butt refers to the wooden barrels that were used to transport pork in the 1700's. Nothing to do with the rear of the animal. Just one of those crazy things we have to put up with
Yup. It's confusing. What you and I would consider a shoulder is called a butt. What you and I would think is the butt (hind legs) are hams. ;)
The butt is the upper part of the shoulder and the picnic is the lower part of the shoulder. If you have a whole shoulder it should have both cuts.

