Search results

  1. Andy in MA

    WSM 18.5 becomes 22.5 for Fathers Day

    Congrats. I'd be interested in hearing how the WSM compares to your other smokers. (the offset in particular)
  2. Andy in MA

    2013 Weber Genesis EP 310 or 2013 Weber Spirit 3 Burner

    I am not a fan at all of PCI. They don't hold up well. (I do scrub my grates with a brass brush after every cook). My last few grills I had the PCI and even taken them in for the winter and spraying them down with PAM and storing them in a trash bag, after a few years they would always chip...
  3. Andy in MA

    Getting a bitter taste...

    The other variable to consider is the type of wood used. Personaly I find mesquite to have a bitter flavor, and I'm not a fan of Hickory either. I prefer fruit woods (apple, cherry, peach). FWIW, I agree with Brian Johnson, the whole point of the Minion method is to mix lit with unlit...
  4. Andy in MA

    18.5 stacker

    Sounds like a lot of work and I agree, it would be too tall. For $33 bucks, Russell Y's link seems like a no brainer, no?
  5. Andy in MA

    18.5 stacker

    Just thinking aloud....Could you order another mid18.5" mid section from Weber? Would one stack on another? I wonder how much weber would charge?
  6. Andy in MA

    To Foil or Not to Foil

    I foil the pan to make clean up easier. It catches any drippings and keeps smoke and soot from building up on the pan. Experiecne from boy scout days and cooking over an open fire tells me that cleaning pots and pans from smoke and soot was a PITA.
  7. Andy in MA

    How much charcoal and wood for a quick chicken smoke on the 22.5?

    My understanding of the Minion Method is a few lit charcoll briquettes on a large pile of unlit briquettes. This allows for a low steady burn that is ideal for long cooks. (Ie 250 degrees for 10+ hours) For a shorter higher heat cook, I would just dump a chimney of lit briqettes over and equal...
  8. Andy in MA

    22-1/2 WSM Door Handle Repair

    The brass insert had popped off my door as well, and I had superglued the brass insert into the knob. It worked for a bit, but like you, it popped off during a cook and I used some metal duct tap to keep the door closed. Weber sent me a new door too, and it will come with the handle attached...
  9. Andy in MA

    Looking for WSM owners in SE Mass and RI

    I have both because I bought my first one in 2008 and the 18.5 was the only size available. I love it. The only downsize was since I prefer foiling my ribs, I could only get 2 racks of ribs on each grate. Toss in some apitizers and maybe some beans and it got a little crowded. Not big deal...
  10. Andy in MA

    Looking for WSM owners in SE Mass and RI

    Hey Jeff, I'm over in Central MA, just outside of Worcester in Boylston. I've got both the 18" and 22 WSM. You're more than welcome to swing by my place and check them out. If space and $ are not a concern, I'd say go for the 22. :)
  11. Andy in MA

    What are you using for rubs?

    I'm a big Dizzy Pig Fan. I use Raging River for salmon and for pork I usually mix thier coffee rub Red Eye with a bit of one of thier spcey rubs either Swamp venom or Jamacain Firewalk.
  12. Andy in MA

    Is the gasket worth it?

    Bob how much is the gasket?
  13. Andy in MA

    22.5 WSM Upgrade Kit from Cajun Bandit

    My wife bought me the "Pimp KIt" (SS. Door, fire ring, 3/8 grommets, and the rotisserie.) I really like the SS doors from CB and have them on both my WSMs. I'm not sure if the fire ring is doing anything for me, as I don't do alot of marathon cooks were every available inch of charcoal space...
  14. Andy in MA

    Is the gasket worth it?

    Are you getting a lot of leaks around the door? A little bit of leakage shouldn't be a problem. If the leaks are significant, I would try to shape the door to get a better seal and ensure the latch is doing it's job correctly. I've put the Cajun Bandit SS doors on both my WSM as I just didn't...
  15. Andy in MA

    Noob Question-Charcoal for Smoking Ribs

    I dump a chimney of unlit charcoal into the ring, and then light a chimney of charcoal. Mix the 2 togethor once the 2nd chimeny is ready. It's been more than enought to do a 5 hour cook @ 250-275.
  16. Andy in MA

    Shopping for a Gas Grill

    Another vote for the EP330. I have never used the side burner, but the searing station makes a difference when you want to throw some heat onto a steak (or crank the heat for any high temp cook (pizza, etc).
  17. Andy in MA

    How to drop temp on 22.5 WSM...

    Or put water in the pan.
  18. Andy in MA

    Considering picking up a gasser.....

    I can't agree more with the previous posts. I did all sorts of research...or so I thought (Ie consumer Reports) and bought a Charbroil. It was recomneded as a best buy, and had a lifetime warrenty on the burners. Compared to the other grills in the same class, I guess it was ok. After 5 years...
  19. Andy in MA

    New Genesis EP-330, two small issues (pic heavy)

    Glad to hear you're all set to go. You're going to love that grill. :)
  20. Andy in MA

    Rotisserie on the WSM

    I just used my Cajun Bandit Rotisserie ring for the first time this weekend and had great success with a small rib roast. The Cajun Bandit set up is designed to work with either a22.5 WSM or a Weber Kettle. It came with the One Grill battery operated rotissere motor and was really impressed with...

