WSM 18.5 becomes 22.5 for Fathers Day


Jeff Padell

I had decided on the 18.5, even bought a spare grate for $8. My wife was going to give it to me for fathers day (and birthday). I started calling around trying to find one, they are all backordered. The local Ace Hardware in Walpole had a 22.5 on the floor. Since my wife wanted to give me a WSM not a picture of one (suggested by Bass Pro) I made a quick decision.

I am now the proud father of a WSM 22.5 :wsm:

It was already assembled and I put it on the back patio, but the wife said I have to leave it covered until Sunday! No taking the cover off, that is why it seems shy in the picture with the other grills.

Now I will have to sell the ProQ stacker that I bought figuring on the 18.5

The 22.5 is more than I need but dang it looks impressive on the patio!

Nice collection of bbq equipment. I think they have 12-step programs for addicts like you :) I'm ordering my 3rd smoker this week but my wife is making me get rid of one first.
Congrats on the new WSM! Sorry you have to wait to use it. I only had to wait 24 hours for my first use, but that was because I bought it late Saturday afternoon, had plans all day Sunday, and was planing on having a 10-12 hour cook (although it only lasted about 7.5 hours). So I had to wait until I had plenty of time to give my first smoke the attention it needed.

And seeing as it practically killed me not to fire up the WSM this weekend (or even one of the kettles), I cannot imagine having to wait an entire week for the inaugural smoking! Good luck with that my friend.
Congrats on the awesome gift. You will love the 22.5 it is great. Too bad you have to wait to use the thing though. Mine arrived on a Friday evening and I had it fired up on Saturday morning. You will not regret having the extra space and the larger door for adding coal. I would pick up a pair of welding gloves in case you have to pick up hot racks or add more coal or wood. MIne come in handy and are cheap.
I have a pair of good welding gloves I use for melting lead and casting rifle bullets and use them with my current grills, they come up to elbows, makes a difference.

My son is giving me the CB door for Fathers day.
Congrats. I'd be interested in hearing how the WSM compares to your other smokers. (the offset in particular)

It has got to be better, the Brinkman, I have never used, use it to hold the chimney's, my middle son gave it to me so I don't get rid of it. The offset, I have to monkey with the fire every 10 minutes, did ribs this weekend 5 hours (with setup) and I just sat by the smoker.
THAT is why I asked the wife for the WSM!
I hope you will share your first cook on the WSM with us.. Lots of pictures I hope...:)

