Search results

  1. Richard Hinton

    Weber tongs

    Weber seems to have changed the style of its tongs. On the set I have had for 10-plus years, the business ends resemble spatulas, which makes them handy for flipping burgers or picking up single potato wedge. I am trying to find second set, and I have checked all of the usual spots such as...
  2. Richard Hinton

    Briquette suggestion besides K

    I favor Stubbs, which is billed as a natural hardwood briquette. It's available at my local Lowe's.
  3. Richard Hinton

    Anyone tried this?

    Jim -- That dime must have been my rebate.
  4. Richard Hinton

    Anyone tried this?

    I found a bag of B&B oak lump charcoal in my local supermarket the other day and thought I would try it, especially after continually finding small rocks like this in the Frontier brand had been using. Any guesses on why there rocks in the charcoal? Anyone familiar with B&B B&B
  5. Richard Hinton

    RO Stockup?

    That's good to know. My Wally-World always has been hit or miss with RO. I bought the store's last bag in July, and didn't see any more until September. I bought a half dozen bags then, thinking that six would last me awhile. Haven't seen any since. Next time I find RO there, guess I getter...
  6. Richard Hinton

    Smoked pork tamales

    Arthur -- How long in the WSM? What temp? Any other details one might need to know? I am drooling on my keyboard as I type this. Thanks.
  7. Richard Hinton

    BBQing again!

    Welcome back to the world, Dennis. And thank you for your service.
  8. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Brian -- Here's a post-rotisserie pic of how the EZ Que cradle sets up inside the Cajun Bandit ring. The parts play well together since the new, shorter shaft arrived. See here
  9. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Brian, I have done only one cook so far. But I was pleased how the cradle nestled in the ring and how it spun freely. The chicken was tasty, too. The setup has been great so far. Weather permitting – we might get a dusting of snow for Christmas Eve – I will put on a tenderloin for Christmas...
  10. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Here's a link to a pic of the EZ Que cradle and Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring in action:
  11. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    I went to the Bourlier's site, which took over the EZ Que inventory. They referred me to this site: There was no way to place an online order off of the Bourlier's site, so I assumed the ebay link is how they handle online sales. You probably...
  12. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Turns out that the folks I ordered the EZ Que cradle from have a shorter shaft. It arrived today, and the cradle assembly fits like it was made for the Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring. I will serve up an "after" pic the first chance I get to put it to use, which may not be until a Christmas day...
  13. Richard Hinton

    Follow up Post: Maverick ET-732 Malfunctioning?

    I thought my ET-732 was malfunctioning once, too, as I was getting the "---" readout. Turns out I didn't have the probes pushed deeply enough into the unit. I also figured out I have to plug the probes in before I turn the unit on or it will give me the "---" readout.
  14. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Terry, Thanks for much for the photos. That looks like the route I will go. I'll call Weber about the part on Monday morning. Richard
  15. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Ray, Take a look at above picture to see what I mean.
  16. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Terry, The photos would be much appreciated. What I would love to do is find someone to make a shorter shaft for the EZ Que cradle. Thanks, again. Richard
  17. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    When I tried to pair the EZ Que cradle, 17.5x6, with the Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring and motor that arrived today, the cradle's shaft that fits into the motor is and inch or two too long. That means the opposite end of the cradle is resting on top of the ring. In looking a pictures, it appears...
  18. Richard Hinton

    Probe Installation

    I'm one of the least handy folks on this forum, but I installed the Cajun Bandit 3/8" grommet on my WSM without difficulty. Both the meat and barbecue probes on my Maverick 732 fit neatly through the single hole that's about top rack high.
  19. Richard Hinton

    Instant read Thermometers

    Add me to the ThermoWorks RT301WA users. It does a fine job, and it's fast enough for me.
  20. Richard Hinton

    Rotisserie help, please

    Thanks, everyone. I will be putting in an order with Cajun Bandit come Monday morning.

