Rotisserie help, please

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Richard Hinton

I have an EZ Que cradle coming to use with my Performer. Now all I have to do is buy a rotisserie ring, motor, etc., to go with it.
Has anyone used the EZ Que cradle with their Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring and motor? Or their Weber?
I would prefer the CB, but my priority is replacing the spit and counter-balance setup with the cradle.
it'll work with the bandit ring.

i've picked up 4 or 5 off brand rotisserie motors and spits - all are the same size. It must be a standard?
yes, 5/16 is the most common. i guess you could consider it standard. many rods can be thicker but they are all cut down to 5/16 for the drive end.
Originally posted by george curtis:
on the ezq baskets the shafts are all left hand thread. you do need to check them as they do come loose.

Very important to tighen up with a wrench else you can end in a state where the basket starts to crank up then flop back/spin on the shafts.

Only happened to me once when I forgot to tighten.

Good choice with that EZ-Q basket - I love my system and use it often.

IMHO since you can't get the EZ-Q gear any more I'd go with the CB equipment for ring/motor. Seems of higher quality and I like their motor better. I believe it's rated for 50lb or so.

I have the full EZ-Q system bought years ago. The motor that came with it was very strong. I've never had to resort to any counter balancing weights ever. The motor that CB sells looks to be the same.
I prefer the Cajun Bandit ring over the EZ-Que or Weber ring, because the motor bracket is more secure. I have all three.

I kicked myself for not getting the 6" cradle when I bought the EZ-Que bundle. I've since gotten a Weber cradle and cut it down and had it welded and it works like a dream!
When I tried to pair the EZ Que cradle, 17.5x6, with the Cajun Bandit rotisserie ring and motor that arrived today, the cradle's shaft that fits into the motor is and inch or two too long. That means the opposite end of the cradle is resting on top of the ring.
In looking a pictures, it appears that the CB motor bracket doesn't stick out as far as the bracket on the Weber setup.
Any thoughts for a fix other than buying a Weber rotisseries ring and bracket?
Yes, I've emailed the folks where I bought the EZ Que cradle just in case they sent the wrong one.
Here's a link:
The cajun bandit rotisserie bracket does mount the motor closer to the ring than the weber rotisserie bracket. The ez-que cradle shaft lengths appear to be based on the weber rotisseie bracket dimensions.

Rather than having the input shaft of the ez-que cradle (between the motor and the cradle itself) assembly shortened and machined to account for the smaller distance the cajun bandit bracket mounts the motor from the outside of the ring, I got the weber rotisserie motor mounting bracket to make the ez-que cradle assembly work on my cajun bandit ring.

However, the pattern of the 4 holes that are drilled in the cajun bandit ring to accept the cajun bandit rotisserie motor bracket does not allow you to simply bolt the weber bracket to the ring. The weber rotisserie backet has two holes rather than four with a different width spacing between the holes. In order to mount the rotisserie motor in the weber bracket and have the ez-que shaft at the correct angle new holes have to be drilled in the cajun bandit ring. I will see if I can post pictures for you sometime this weekend to better explain my ramblings. Or perhaps the photos will help you come up with a better solution,
The photos would be much appreciated.
What I would love to do is find someone to make a shorter shaft for the EZ Que cradle.
Thanks, again.
That is one thing I liked about EZ-Q was that sturdier bracket mounting. I erroneously wrote that it was welded. But yest it is 4 bolt. I've never had concern over flex of the system with heavier loads that approached the AC motor rating.

I don't recall every being concerned about the length of the shaft either using the small or large baskets on the performer.



Thanks for much for the photos. That looks like the route I will go.
I'll call Weber about the part on Monday morning.
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