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  1. E

    long cooks

    Lee, I have heard of the new unit by the BBQ Guru, and I don't cook enough to warrant buying that unit at whatever price they come up with. I am still thinking about getting the 22 1/2" model, but can't make up my mind. I just wondered how the DIGIQ II would handle the bigger cooker. I guess the...
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    long cooks

    Thanks Allen... I don't use any water at all, so I may get a little longer cook out of doing it dry. I will be using the DIGIQ II if I should decide to "pull the trigger". I guess my main concerns are the amount of fuel I will need for overnight cooks, and I really can't go by your experience...
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    long cooks

    I know there has been some of you that may have already touched on this subject, but I had to ask anyway... Has anyone done an overnight cook on the new 22.5" WSM? If so, what were your thoughts and how did it perform? What was your fuel of choice as well for this unit for low and slow cooking...
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    Wow (First Cook) BBQ Guru DidgQ II

    Derek, I would really be interested on what your thoughts are with your new 22 1/2" WSM and using the DIGIQ II in terms of how it handled controlling the temps. I have the DIGIQ II and the older WSM and I am contemplating buying the 22 1/2" unit, but wanted to know how it reacted to the QII
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    Simple Cheap ATS Final cicuit design & component list

    sure do admire folks like you that understand all that stuff. Really wish I had paid more attention during my electronics course while I was a young dumb sailor. That stuff looks foreign to me.
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    so who's the man, (originator) ....really.?!

    Dan, if everyone's making them and getting them from this site, well then, that's a good thing. It tells me that people come to this site to get solid information on all sorts of recipes and grilling suggestions and such, and that is what this site is all about.
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    Superbowl menu, whats yours?

    Headed to Larry R's house around noon for some BB ribs, chicken wings, Fattie, stuffed with cheese, and some burnt ends. Will be washing all of that down with a few MGD 64's (watching my weight...LOL) and hopefully we will get to see a fairly close and entertaining football game in the middle of...
  8. E

    Weekend Brisket

    Darn it Jay, I sure wish I hadn't seen your pics. I started this dang diet (getting to fat) and your brisket looks so good, it's going to take a boat load of will power for me not to go raid the fridge. You really have done a very nice job on it.
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    Game Day Grub

    Larry R, I wouldn't eat that fattie dude. you've been pretty sick, and I would hate for you to have a relapse, so just box it up and bring it over here. I will let you know honestly if it was any good. Don't take any chances at your age brother...
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    Finally got my WSM, but problems...

    one thing about it Robert, they have a tremendous customer service department and you will not have any trouble getting whatever you need to make your cooking experience a great one, so please do yourself a favor and make sure you call them an let them know what you are missing from the box and...
  11. E

    Finally got my WSM, but problems...

    Sorry about that Robert, after reading what I wrote, that was a pretty dumb comment on my part. You won't have nay choice but to triangulate, but with the way they set up they really won't be "triangulated at all. You may want to find something that you can place underneath the section that is...
  12. E

    Finally got my WSM, but problems...

    Robert, I think if you triangulate the supports you should be able to , but use caution when placing meat on the grate. Make sure the weight is more towards the supported side of the grate.
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    Game Day Grub

    Now that's what I'm talking about. Great idea dude. You are feeling better, aren't you?
  14. E

    Battle tested my Guru DigiqII in -20 windchill today

    Chuck, in case this is your first unit, be sure to check the settings before using, as it will be set up in the ramp mode. While it won't matter on a timed cook, it will effect cooks that monitor internal temps. I found out the hard way last year when I got mine. Didn't know it was on and I was...
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    Game Day Grub

    Leftovers here gang, freaking leftovers. It's so beautiful here today, I am going to have to grill something. Yesterday we reached 70* and could se an instant replay of it today, so I have to grill something, even if it's hot dogs, something is going on the grill, and of course I will have to...
  16. E

    got my new 22 today! my two cents....

    Congrats Greg on your new addition. I still haven't been able to make up my little mind yet on whether or not to pull the trigger. I just don't know if I really need this beast, although it would be great for the summertime "Q"s that we have here every year. I mean my old (2 years old) WSM seems...
  17. E

    Brisket at 160 after 14 hours??

    Tom, with Briskets, it's not always a time issue. It will be a probe thing. Where when the probe or a fork goes in the brisket without any resistance, it will be done. Most folks will foil at 165 and then cook well into the 190's or even to 200. It will be done when it's done, so sit back and...
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    Forschner Knives Purchase - A couple questions

    Kevin, I have been using your method of sharpening my knives and must say, what a huge difference it has made. It sure make slicing so much easier and cleaner with a good edge. Thanks for the great tip...
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    Great Christmas Present

    I am with ya on that Bill. My wife asked me what the ^*&# I was laughing at so I told her. Now the two of us are getting a kick out of this one.
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    Access Door...

    do you have any pictures of that for us Brandon? I would like to see how that turned out.

