Game Day Grub



TVWBB Diamond Member

What are you doing for the games today? I'm doing a fatty (RD style), smoked turkey legs, buffalo wings and some sweet spicy slaw. And of course there will be pictures! Today's my first day back after being ill for a week so my taste buds still aren't back to normal but I'm still looking forward some smokin fun! Go Ravens and Cards!
abt's is all for me, ate a HUGE breakfast, tasted really good cause i went out last night w/ good friends and got really ...I drank a lot. Im also for the birds myself, go get em'! i'll watch w/ ya. freakin' fired Gruden! (bucs) whats this world coming too.
also the hometown bronc's coach Shannahan (sp?) If you ask me were firing the wrong people here.
Leftovers here gang, freaking leftovers. It's so beautiful here today, I am going to have to grill something. Yesterday we reached 70* and could se an instant replay of it today, so I have to grill something, even if it's hot dogs, something is going on the grill, and of course I will have to open my adult beverage locker and partake in some ice cold liquid refreshments as well.
Ed C., Reena's has tri-tip on sale for $2.49 a lb, maybe run over there and pick one up?
Picked up a couple chuck eyes and some brats to throw on the grill, nothing too exciting. Using a McCormic marinade on the chuck eyes.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Larry Wolfe:
Marinating some venision for skewers later. Gonna cook them inside.....
</div></BLOCKQUOTE>HAHA! Too damn cold and wet to cook outside today.

Wife is roasting the turkey I was going to "roti" today. Sucks.
What a game this first game turned out to be. Cook is going well, it's about 70 and sunny, cooking in shorts, got to love it.

Ended-up doing my turkey legs using Two Steppin' Turkey Legs (brined) and the fatty RD style. Didn't do wings and it's just the three of us. Smoking over cherry and smells wonderful. Fatty should be ready to come off in about 40 min. Stoker's keeping grate at 225 pinned while I'm watching the game. Wish I was feeling better so I could have a beer

Just munching on the fatty, damn, I cannot believe I lived all those years without consuming fatties.

PICTURES are updated.
one bird up, one more to go!! just ate up the abt's and awaiting heartburn to arive! cmon' Raven's, bad *** pics Larry!
Larry R, I wouldn't eat that fattie dude. you've been pretty sick, and I would hate for you to have a relapse, so just box it up and bring it over here. I will let you know honestly if it was any good. Don't take any chances at your age brother...
Today was a good day. Beautiful weather, two good games, good Q and I think I got enough rest to kick this cold I've been fighting. Turkey legs turned out great! Personally I think I like the amusement park recipe I posted over the one I did today, however everyone else like this one. Hope everyone enjoyed the games and now on to the Super bowl. Already put a call out to Ed C. to come party, maybe he'll bring some tools to help me split my wood chunks
Got in late Sunday morning (2AM) from the Metallica concert, and got up late. Made a Bacon, Cheddar, onion, corn bread casserole, and pan fried some Beer Brats.
Pizza and left overs for use. Got in late yesterday, late rise today. Posted my pizza pics elsewhere (Bryan's dough recipe).

Your grub looks great Larry. That fattie looks tasty!
LarryR the fatty and legs look incredible!!!!

Had another pack of venison that I had thawed out, but didn't cook Saturday night so I needed to do something with it. So I sliced it up and threw it into a zip loc with 'stuff' in the fridge. I ended up with a bottom of the bottle soy, worcestershire and Zesty Italian dressing along with a little extra seasonings. (odd combination but it ended up pretty darn good) Marinated for a couple hours then skewered and then under the broiler for a couple minutes. My 6 year old daughter is a huge nacho fan so she made up a pan of those for us! She loves to cook so I let her do whatever she wants in the kitchen!!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Larry Wolfe:

My 6 year old daughter is a huge nacho fan so she made up a pan of those for us! She loves to cook so I let her do whatever she wants in the kitchen!! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very cool Larry, shes not even afraid of the jalapenos!

