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  1. E

    Kingsford Competition and long smokes.

    You are not alone Patrick, I too noticed that it does not burn as long as the original, but I think it may be intended for high heat cooks, and not long ones. I use it for grilling only and not for the WSM at all. It lights faster, and burns hotter, but I usually like the low and slow method. It...
  2. E

    Hmmm...What to Q this weekend?

    Well, we had unexpected company yesterday and had one of the better grill sessions that we have had in a very long time for somethimg totally unplanned. The wife made a ground turkey fattie that contained two eggs,cilantro, worchester sauce, onion and some pepperjack cheese, we also had two...
  3. E

    Cooking Capacity Questions

    If it doesn't fit you must not quit. It's nothing but a "Q" thing. All kidding around aside, you should be golden as Larry has already stated.
  4. E

    22.5" WSM Question

    Jay,I have done overnighters on my 22" using the DIGIQ II and the fuel tends to run out after about 18 hours, but I am still able to keep her at 225* until I hit the 18 hour mark. There is just too much area to bring up to and maintain at the desired heat temps (only heat to 225*) to go much...
  5. E

    Weekend cooks

    I gotta try George, you just never know.
  6. E

    k comp complaint

    George, I thought I was the only one who had that problem... at least I know now I am in good company.
  7. E

    Weekend cooks

    Larry, you're drinking Corona's? I would have thought for sure you'd be drinking Miller or even your favorite beer... Shaffers
  8. E

    Weekend cooks

    Larry, I hope you're not planning on eating those ribs. As bad as you cook, you may as well just drink your or Pearls Coronas. Fact is they(the ribs) look pretty bad. In fact, why don't you just finish cooking them, wrap them up in some foil, throw them in a cooler and bring them over here. You...
  9. E

    Fresh Ham

    Gonna try to smoke a fresh frozen ham for tomorrow. This ham has been butchered and then frozen, so I have no idea how to smoke this booger. Does anyone have any ideas that you can share with me in it?
  10. E

    Kingsford Competition...

    Picked my twin pack today at Costco and got them for 12.94. I will be trying them tonight under a tri-tip before even thinking about using them in the WSM
  11. E

    so, whatcha smokin' this weekend?

    Looks like it's gonna be a Brisket kinda night over here on the east side of town. Using Larry R's coffee rub. Damn, that stuff was thick. I was thinking about using some of it for mortar and do some brick work, but it smells to good to mortar. I was thinking about putting her on at about 9 pm...
  12. E

    brisket question

    thanks guys... I appreciate your help.
  13. E

    brisket question

    Bought a brisket on Saturday and I am wondering how long can I keep it in the refrigerator before cooking or should I freeze it to be safe?
  14. E

    Rancher Charcoal is coming to Trader Joe's!!!

    I talked with the people at OSH (Orchard) and they too will be carrying it. They stated that it will be on special in May just before Memorial Day as a twin pack offer at 11.97. Can't wait that long I'm afraid, as I am down to my last 5 bags, and with this new beast (22.5"), that's about 5-10...
  15. E

    Fuel consumption

    Gerd, I did use the probe from the Guru to measure my temp, and that was grate temp, and I did tape all four sides of the door, and I can remove it if I feel the need. How did your bungees hold up with the heat?
  16. E

    Med-Heat Brisket Cook

    JB, I was just checking out that recipe for the ancho/coffee rub, and it sounds really good. I will definitely give that one a try as well. especially withe the New Mexico BBQ sauce, that made my mouth water.
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    Med-Heat Brisket Cook

  18. E

    Med-Heat Brisket Cook

    Well, it only took me until now to post this, but the coffee rub that Larry R used on the brisket was quite good. My wife is not too keen on briskets, and she was totally impressed with the flavors that she tasted on this brisket. Now I seem to remember that the brisket was very good, and had a...
  19. E

    Fuel consumption

    Well after my maiden voyage with the new WSM 22.5" unit, using the DIGIQII from Guru, I found that for me the fuel usage was better than advertised. I cooked a couple of pork roasts the other night for about 5 hours. I had used some Ranchers charcoal and leveled the charcoal bowl and used the...
  20. E

    Fired Up the 22

    I too started my maiden voyage with the new 22.5" WSM and I used heat tape on the door and I am using my DIGIQ II with a 5 CFM fan (not quite enough, but it works) and I am able to keep it right at 225 as dialed. I ran a candle test before loading this beast up, and the candle never did go out...

