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  1. J

    Where to buy wood ?

    Tony, I think you will very happy if you go the Fruita route, when i got my box of northern Cali red oak the smell was awesome, definitely fresh cut for sure! I won't buy from any other source as long as Fruita is business.
  2. J

    Where to buy wood ?

    Not from california but I buy from Fruita Woods in Colorado,I recently purchased some nice Cali red oak from Fruita, not to mention there peach and other selections.
  3. J

    Howdy from a 1st Time Smoker in West TX

    Heck just go with a turkey in that big boy 22!
  4. J

    Glove recommendations?

    I also use what Tom and Dwain have, nice gloves!
  5. J

    Switching from kettle to smoker

    Nib for 150! I'd buy that and I already own a 18.5. lucky you.
  6. J

    Prime Grade Tri-Tip

    I bought a prime Tri today it was 7.59 lb
  7. J

    brisket in cryloc time

    I often buy packers when Wall mart marks them down before it reaches the sale by date, I've kept them in the fridge up to 35 days before smoking without a problem, I think it's called "wet aging"
  8. J

    Butt another question?

    I'm cooking a 8lb bone in butt HH. 4hrs now at around 300 degrees I've usually foiled at this point and tossed in the oven to finish, can I let it ride in the wsm at those temps and not foil and have a good result? It's at 168 internal temp now just curious.
  9. J

    Kettle Temp Control Questions for BBQ

    Hey Laura D, I use 1 1/4 fire bricks and bank my coals to the side, I usually put in enough unlit and add my minion coals plus wood chunks and it's just below the grate, briqs are cheap so i don't count the unlit. #1 sounds like your good, #2 sounds like your on the game plan, I've been having...
  10. J

    Cooking with butcher paper on the wsm?

    I'll be watching for your brisket results!
  11. J

    Looking for opinions.

    Looks like kettle it is, sear at the end or the start?
  12. J

    Looking for opinions.

    ya i was thinking kettle too, I't will be a medium rare cook for us, I'm gonna use pecan for smoke.
  13. J

    Looking for opinions.

    Ok, I'm heading out town to see my parents, I'm taking some Tri Tip to cook on saturday. tri tip is not popular in these parts but can be had before it's either ground up in burger or used in kabobs. I've only cooked tri one time on a kettle after doing ribs, Dad has a Weber gas grill, should I...
  14. J

    Still learning...

    Looks good to me! the toothpick test between the bones works best for me when checking for tenderness, by the way I've done many high heat briskets on the kettle with the same setup as yours and they have all turned out great.
  15. J

    Maverick Wireless Thermometer

    I've had had the 732 for over a year now and like it, but I've also have had 2 grate probes go bad as well, never cooking over 350 on a rated 500 degree probe, Mavs customer service has replaced them both times, by the way they were the 3 ft lengths I'm now using the 6ft lengths that Mav sent as...
  16. J

    Baby Backs or St. Louis Ribs

    I like both, loin backs to me have more meat on the bone, spares have a lot of trimmings that makes for what Dwain said is good.
  17. J

    Foiling to Hold until its time to eat

    Is there a difference in the resting period of a HH brisket vs low and slow?
  18. J

    Almost paradise...

    I agree, I was using my kettle as a smoker a few yrs ago until I stumbled across this site, I never even knew weber made the wsm, heck I did'nt even know ribs had a membrane on them! The thanks goes to Chris A for sure!

