Wow Anne - just wow. Camp cooking is a particular love of mine and you really have it nailed down with all of those different techniques. Beautiful scenery and wildlife too!
Glad you checked in Tony - I was wondering where you were. Great looking food. How do you like the Primo vs. the Webers? I am going to go check out your blog now...
Hats of to you buddy! I bet most of the smokers in Wisconsin are stowed in the shed right now. Yours is still making great food. Awesome looking pork steaks. Nice work!
Daniel, you stepped up to the big leagues and hit a homer on your first at bat! Nice looking brisket. Your approach to learning to control your temps BEFORE your cook was an outstanding idea. I agree that smoking brisket at a higher temp is a good idea. I target 275F when doing brisket. As...
Wow Jim - I have had alligator sausage, alligator shish-ka-bob, and alligator sauce piquant but I have never even heard of whole grilled alligator before. How did it turn out? Did you enjoy the flavor? Texture?
Good experiment Bob - handy info to have. I too use KBB almost exclusively (mainly due to price and consistently). I did get roundly reprimanded recently for using KBB in a BGE - apparently that is a major faux pas...
JR, sorry I just noticed your question. The pile technique is a technique I learned from one of the gurus on here (it has been long enough ago that I don't remember who made the post). Basically I cook the wings direct for a few minutes so they take some color and then move them indirect and...