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  1. J

    How do you guys like to cook your ribs?

    Interesting that you inject. Not very many people inject ribs. We have done this for our competition ribs, but not home cooking. What do you inject? In addition to phosphates, we use apple juice and peach nectar with a couple tbs of the rub.
  2. J

    How to use rotisserie counterweight

    Yep, that's the way.
  3. J

    Replacing bottom vents

    Easy to replace, but I wouldn't bother. I have installed some bottom vents on minis that I intentionally took the tabs off so I could shut the vent completely. Same on the vents I put in the lids when I removed the lid thermometer.
  4. J

    Judging sauce - your thoughts

    The rules for the sauce contests many times say it must be made from scratch and not a doctored up commercial sauce. If the rules don't specify it is hard to complain. Not really a sauce contest if not made from scratch, in my opinion.
  5. J

    Tyler's Morels Dried & Grilled

    It has been a good year for them. I think we have found about 5 gal. so far. Haven't tried smoking them yet, but going to now. My favorite way to cook them is sauted in butter.
  6. J

    digi Q 2

    We use them in comps and I love them. Set and forget, plus they are great people to deal with. I have used mine on the 14.5, the 18.5, and the 22.5. Works equally well on all. We also used Aubers and the IQ 110 but I prefer the Guru. Good choice you made.
  7. J

    I think my butcher has no clue

    I can imagine the look I would get if I asked my butcher for a nakkefilet!
  8. J

    What mods have you done that you did not like?

    I did CB doors and compression latch, installed grommets from pipe nipples, and removed thermometer in lid to install another vent, and installed temp controllers. Wouldn't change any of them but really think the CB doors and compression latch are the best upgrade along with temp controllers...
  9. J

    Why am I getting near black chicken skin?

    Too much smoke can also cause skin to get real dark.
  10. J

    WSM 22.5 and Ribs 3-2-1

    Shut all vents about 5 min. before you plan to lift the lid, then get in and out as quick as possible. Once you are done inside, give it about 5 min and then you can probably set the vents where they were before you shut them.
  11. J

    New WSM 22.5-First Cook Vent Help

    It really depends on the cooking temperature. On a new WSM, unless you are cooking high heat, I'd bet you end up shutting all 3 bottom vents. That said, I like to start out using just one bottom vent and not open more than 1/8". If you need more air, open the second vent about 1/8" and so on. If...
  12. J

    Royal Oak Lump Charcoal - has anyone read the bag?

    I think so, but a lot of people swear if you let it burn off there is no odor or taste. I don't buy that but lots do.
  13. J

    What "exactly" are burnt ends supposed to taste like and what is "proper" texture?

    If we turn in burnt ends, they will be melt in your mouth like Bob said. Whenever I cook a brisket for someone, I give them both slices and burnt ends. Next time they want to know if I can cook the entire brisket as burnt ends, they are that good. I will be cooking for my daughters wedding...
  14. J

    Royal Oak, Walmart, 17.6# $8, From Weekly circular *****

    Thanks. It is an unrestored original I bought from the original owner in 1991. If I buy anymore charcoal, I may have to stack it in the Vette!
  15. J

    Early 22.5" water pan question

    I'm sure the pan in the CB kit is pretty inexpensive by looking at it. It is just a kitchen bowl that fits. This is what Harry Soo said about the pans: "If you are using a full overflowing load of briquettes for a 12+ hour cook, the standard deep WSM water pan won’t work because it sits too low...
  16. J

    Hello From Springfield, MO

    Welcome aboard.
  17. J

    Early 22.5" water pan question

    I think the new pan is deeper, could be wrong. The CB conversion kit comes with what looks like one of my wifes ss bowls, way too deep. Can't get hand inside to add wood chunks.
  18. J

    Early 22.5" water pan question

    I think I got the original shallow pan, at least that is the one I wanted. It is part #63024.
  19. J

    Early 22.5" water pan question

    I went ahead and ordered a new one. Just easier that trying to retro fit something.
  20. J

    Early 22.5" water pan question

    Is the lid from a Smokey Joe the same size as the shallow water pan that came in the original 22.5"? I have a CB conversion that I really don't like the pan but don't want to pay $75 for one from Weber.

