Search results

  1. J

    Cajun Bandit Stacker for 18.5 WSM

    We have one for the 22 that we use when cooking a lot of meat, and generally pork butts. That's the only advantage I can see from it.
  2. J

    Bird Photography - Cooper's Hawklets

    Great photos. We have a Cooper's Hawk nest close to our house and they have raised little ones for the past couple of years. Fun to watch and listen to them grow up.
  3. J

    Pit probe placement in WSM?

    I find that if the probe is very close to the side of the smoker it reads way too high. I figured that is from measuring the heat coming up the side of the cooker. If I can't attach to the grate away from the edge and away from cold meat, I hang through the vent. Different strokes.
  4. J

    Second time on our new to us WSM at a loss as to why the temp problem

    I would suspect the humidity. That causes us more problems during a competition except high winds and my covers take care of that problem. I start the WSMs with 12-13 lit coals spread out on top of the unlit and never have any temp problems. With what you said about the coals not lit...
  5. J

    Weber fire starter cube question

    I meant not using a chimney and was hoping to just use a cube or two and not have to start the chimney, wait till lit all over, then place lit coals in smoker. I've seen UDS people just putting the cube in the basket to start but they cook at way high temps. Always looking at how to shorten the...
  6. J

    Weber fire starter cube question

    For those of you that use the cubes, how many would you use to replace the Minion method? I normally use 12-13 lit coals spread over the charcoal.
  7. J

    I think I just found BBQ Meats Heaven

    I buy all my comp meats wholesale. Hope they sell individually to you but don't be surprised if they require you buy a case of 5 briskets. Around here that is generally what is in a case. Some of the real big ones we get they can only get 4 in a case. Freeze the ones you won't cook within a few...
  8. J

    Neighbor knocked over the WSM - warped it....what can I do?

    Use the tape measure. It bends really easy so be careful. Don't think I have ever gotten a new WSM that didn't need bending right out of the box.
  9. J

    Secrets of BBQ Class

    Interested to know how it goes. His sauce is good.
  10. J

    Trader Joe's BBQ rub ( coffee and garlic) ?

    Oakridge Black Ops has coffee in it and it is an awesome rub on brisket.
  11. J

    I want to go to the Jack in 2014

    If everyone keeps their fingers crossed, you may know someone that is competing, me! But I have never been very lucky at lotteries so we'll see. At least we are in the drawing.
  12. J

    WSM smoker AND traditional grill?

    What Donna said. Using the cookers as anything other than what they were designed for will always be a compromise and while they will work, they won't work as well as a cooker designed for the purpose. I have a CB conversion and it does smoke very well, not as well as a WSM.I have even used it...
  13. J

    Still can't get my brisket jiggly

    Once again, that will depend on the grade. With a CAB, I was told there is an age limit for CAB so the size therefore won't determine age. A non-CAB may be different. May also be so much BS, but that is what I was told by the wholesale company I buy from.
  14. J

    Still can't get my brisket jiggly

    We start at 2am and are generally in the cambro by 10-10:30 cooking briskets with untrimmed weight of 15+ lbs. But, each piece of meat is different. We cook CABs. The grade of meat also will affect time.
  15. J

    Still can't get my brisket jiggly

    This is our comp procedure. On at 250 for 4 hours, wrap in foil with whatever liquid you choose. Monitor temp and at 205 start checking tenderness. The last 2 we did went to 209 before they probed tender so forget the temp and just probe. I'd say the majority of briskets are undercooked.
  16. J

    Check your brushes

    I quit using anything except wadded up foil. Works great and no chance of a small wire sticking to grate.
  17. J

    That's a lot of ribs!

    I'm afraid I may have you beat. 16 racks, 12 brisket points for burnt ends, and 4 butts for my daughter's wedding reception Friday night. I feel your pain!
  18. J

    14.5 WSM notch in seam.

    Just guessing without a picture, but it sounds like the seam wasn't welded all the way. No notch in my 14.5.
  19. J

    First ever competition....Our presentation boxes

    Great job first time out. It does get some easier the more you do.
  20. J

    First Competition this weekend

    Excellent finish. Brisket is a bear and you nailed it. I'd take that in brisket in any competition. Get the fat from under the skin of the chicken and you will have no problems with it staying on.

