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  1. M

    Making my own Cure #2?

    Guanciale is amazing stuff and your correct in wanting #2 for that. Make sure to take some photos!
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    Connecticut Amateur

    Matty... So how did the overnighter go??? It was cold!
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    It's so beautiful

    "pull it when a probe slides in like butter" I don't temp. butts but as a result of using the thermo as a probe it's usually in the 205+... Like it really falling apart. Nice thing is you can be plus or minus a lot (couple hours (assuming low cooking temp)) and still have a great product.
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    Connecticut Amateur

    Welcome Matty! Always nice to have another CT smoker about. Picked a great night for your first overnighter with the freeze warning! No worries it will be fine.
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    18 month coppa

    That's awesome!
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    Chicken Roma

    Jim, Great (fantastic) as usual...
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    Beef Tongue Pastrami (first attempt)

    I'm thinking that that it was powdered gelatin to act like a glue between the layers. Geir?
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    Sausage making supplies in the UK

    This might be helpful.
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    Making my own Cure #2?

    Please don't bother doing this... Yes, of course you can formulate all on your own. Breakdown, buy a pound of cure from and be done with it. Buy a couple other items you might need and it will make the cost reasonable. JMO
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    Rabbit on the Rottisserie: Chris Lilly recipe

    Very nice! Tried a whole rabbit ($15) last year but somehow I managed to make shoe leather out of it. Should of brined and kept a closer eye on the cook. You've inspired me to give it another try!
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    Why dry rub chicken skin?

    Clint, Just work your fingers under. It's really easy, just be gentle to not tear the skin. If chicken is being cooked, that's the way to go regardless if the skin is staying or going.
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    Why dry rub chicken skin?

    When I rub chicken the majority of it is under the skin. Even if cooking at high heat and keeping the skin you need to season the actual meat.
  13. M

    bacalao/salt cod - buttermilk soak??

    Yeah. While the idea is great (sounds fantastic) the end result is what matters. By the same token, next time I do salt cod... it will be in buttermilk!
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    bacalao/salt cod - buttermilk soak??

    Ray, Did you try the buttermilk?
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    Why is it

    The first ten min your "searing" developing a nice exterior. The rest of the cook is for the bulk of the meat. If the entire cook was at such a high temp the exterior would be a meteorite if left long enough to reach an appropriate internal temp. I will say that given enough time at a lower...
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    question about pork belly

    Not a problem.
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    Home Cured CB and the (nearly) Famous Egg McBob

    Wish you had a drive-through near me! Time to do some CD bacon!
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    Auber vs Maverick

    Greg, Considering everything... at the price point: between the two; I think a ten degree variation would be a reasonable margin of error. Would not worry about it. However: Use ONE method to temp your cooks. Repeatability in something is what your looking for. Using two instruments to measure...
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    Pork Loin stuffed with mushrooms, spinach, bacon, and goat cheese

    Keri, that all sounds fantastic! I've done similar but can't wait to execute this recipe. Thanks for the share.
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    What size clay saucer?

    Daniel, JMO but why bother with saucer at all ? I've (as have many) been happily & successfully just foiling the empty water pan. It allows for a greater range of temps. and more fuel efficiency. Just have never understood what the point of the saucer is.

