Rabbit on the Rottisserie: Chris Lilly recipe


Chris in Louisiana

TVWBB All-Star
I've cooked duck, leg of lamb, goose, beef ribs, chickens, and rib roast on the rotisserie. All came out great. Ran across a rabbit the other day and thought I'd give it a try. No too many recipes out there for rabbit, but Chris Lilly's Big Bob Gibson cookbook had one.

Per recipe, brined it in apple cider, garlic, bay leaves and other spices. Put it on the rotiss, and basted every 5 minutes after 45 minutes with his concoction of soy marinade, dijon mustard, butter, and lemon juice. Probably should have started basting earlier. It was done in about 45 minutes at 160. I cooked it over that just to get the baste cooked on, but the brine kept it moist.

Turned out real nice. Tasted like a great chicken. It was an expensive experiment, with the rabbit running about $33. It's hard to find around here. I probably won't make it a regular dinner, but it was fun to try, and it made a great dinner.



The basting sauce


Great looking rabbit! Rabbit is almost that expensive here in Georgia too! But it doesn't hurt to splurge once in awhile.
Chris...I think this is the first rabbit I have seen around here. Lots in my yard thou :p Looks like it might taste like chicken...
Terrific cookin' Chris!
It's been I'll bet 40 years since i've had griled rabbit... Very Nice!!
Very nice! Tried a whole rabbit ($15) last year but somehow I managed to make shoe leather out of it. Should of brined and kept a closer eye on the cook. You've inspired me to give it another try!
Nicely done Chris. Thanks for keeping an grilling outside the box and letting us in on the experience.

