Search results

  1. Lew Newby

    New Record: 10 pork shoulders on EX6

    The 14" upper grate really adds capacity. It was a good upgrade.
  2. Lew Newby

    A new Weber pellet grill - The Searwood

    Great question. Only Weber knows the answer so we can only watch them and wait.
  3. Lew Newby

    A new Weber pellet grill - The Searwood

    I see a lot of flameouts with the EX model Smokefire but the hopper design changed with the Stealth version. I haven’t seen any flameout reports on the Stealth and Sear+ so I don’t know if the redesign fixed the problem. I have no clue where Weber is going with their pellet grill line. I’m in...
  4. Lew Newby

    A new Weber pellet grill - The Searwood

    It's a side hopper. Every description I've read puts it there.
  5. Lew Newby

    A new Weber pellet grill - The Searwood

    Good question. We’ll see.
  6. Lew Newby

    Cool overnight brisket!

    Sounds like you still got it. How big is the Brisket? Prime?
  7. Lew Newby

    Spatchcocked Chicken Monday Dinner

    Monday dinner was a 6 lb. Spatchcocked Chicken. I only got 1 picture. Roasted Garlic Potatoes and Broccoli were the sides. I dry brined the bird for 8 hours and smeared it with herb Butter before putting it on the top cooking grate. I cooked it at 400° F using Cabela's Cherry pellets. The...
  8. Lew Newby

    Pastrami from SRF wagyu corned beef ???

    Funny, mine was ready for the taste test after dinner. Yours looks great.
  9. Lew Newby

    Smokefire Cured Pastrami

    My son and I did our first cured Pastrami. I used the recipes and process Chris Allingham has on The Virtual Weber Bullet site in his Beef section. I got a choice 6 lb. Brisket Flat from the Publix butcher and last Sunday we put the cure on. Pastrami Dry Cure TVWB 1/4 cup Morton Tender Quick...
  10. Lew Newby

    Prices SHEESH!

    I retired from the Navy 34 years ago and have had to ride out the economic ups and downs. Consumer goods have risen steadily through those years so I didn't experience the bubble you're talking about. During the recent inflationary surge I have seen prices rise more quickly. That's what...
  11. Lew Newby

    Purchase advice

    If you go the $750 route then know that the food will taste just as good as the Sear +. The controller and software plus the open cook chamber design are the same for all models of Smokefire. You won't have the accessories but if you're a little handy you can make a 14" or 15" deep front shelf...
  12. Lew Newby

    Purchase advice

    My Gen 1 EX6 is 39 months old and I'm very happy with it's performance and especially the taste it imparts to food. If I were going to replace it I would get the Sear + because I think the upgrades are worth the increased cost. You cannot upgrade a Gen 1 or Gen 2 EX6 to make it a Sear +...
  13. Lew Newby

    Smokefire Ground Beef Jerky

    I don't think so because I've been tweaking it for almost 2 years. Here it is in it's latest form. ingredients 2 pounds lean ground beef 2 teaspoons salt ½ tsp. Prague Powder 1 tsp. Sugar 1 teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons ground mustard 1 teaspoon onion powder ½ teaspoon Black Pepper 1...
  14. Lew Newby

    Smokefire Ground Beef Jerky

    Once smoked it holds up real well. Until then, the strips are fragile.
  15. Lew Newby

    Smokefire Ground Beef Jerky

    I use a cure.
  16. Lew Newby

    Smokefire Ground Beef Jerky

    Sunday I finished off the last bag of Jerky. Today I reloaded. To give my teeth a break in my old age I've switched to ground beef Jerky and todays batch came out pretty tasty with a little kick. I mixed the 4 lbs. of meat and seasoning yesterday and let the flavors meld for 24 hours. Using...
  17. Lew Newby

    New York Strips on The Smokefire

    Yup, it's always about family. Brett, my wife and I are having a bad health year. At 82 things pile up. Sara and I are blessed with caring kids and grandkids. We have had constant support since my health went south in February but I seem to be on the mend and I like being able to give a...
  18. Lew Newby

    New York Strips on The Smokefire

    Yesterday I grilled New York Strip Steaks. Three were cooked medium rare and 1 was medium. Our Daughter, Son, and Daughter iin Law each got a steak and my wife and I split one. I brought them up to about 110° at 300° pit temp, removed them, and brought the grill up to 550. Then I seared the...
  19. Lew Newby

    Pellet flow?

    Bob, that's the way it works. I got 12 hours at 250 and the last several hours I saw exactly what your picture shows. The object is to avoid pellet bridging and if the low fuel warning is annoying just push a bunch of pellets down to cover the detector. On some of my test burns I taped an...
  20. Lew Newby

    Wheel upgrade on the EX 6

    Nice upgrade. That reinforcement of the legs is on my to do list.

