Search results

  1. Lew Newby

    Fingers Crossed on Decent Weather

    Good luck!!! Make the old man happy.
  2. Lew Newby

    Glow Plug

    I stick with Weber. No reason but I do. My Jan. 2020 glow plug lit the fire this afternoon and I don't know how long it will last.
  3. Lew Newby

    Dino Bones

    Those look good. YUM!!
  4. Lew Newby

    My Spice House order.

    Our problem is storage. Our pull out, 3 shelf, overfloweth.
  5. Lew Newby

    Proud Papa Here

    Congratulations Bob. That's a great accomplishment.
  6. Lew Newby

    A new Weber pellet grill - The Searwood

    A drip pan only covers a small percentage of the cook chamber. If you had drip pans from side to side you would need 15" pans to mimic a conventional drip tray. I measured my Camp Chef and there was a total of 3 inches open space over the full length of the cook chamber. The rest was covered...
  7. Lew Newby

    ELX6 Initial Thoughts

    Congrats on your new toy. Loosen the lid hinge bolts just a tad and put your lid down and close that gap. Retighten the bolts. If you're a Facebook user then you might join the Weber SmokeFire WoodFired Pellet Grill: Owners Group. It's a good group and I'm biased on that as I'm one of the...
  8. Lew Newby

    EX6 - Not loving it

    You are old, slow, and full of fleas but we all have warts. :ROFLMAO: Nothing wrong with the way you think.
  9. Lew Newby

    EX6 - Not loving it

    Excellent point. I went through that 3 times.
  10. Lew Newby

    EX6 - Not loving it

    You are definitely not the first to be disappointed. I'm tickled with mine. I ask new Smokefire/pellet grill owners a lot of questions Is it a Gen1 or Gen2? I'm admin on a FB Smokefire group and try to help some of our 10K members troubleshoot problems so I hope I don't offend you. Thousands...
  11. Lew Newby

    Visiting Austin

    A good source of information is the bbq restaurant directory below. Page 20 has the Lockhart joints and that’s a short drive from Austin. Have fun.
  12. Lew Newby

    Defrost time chart.

    Our daughter got a free 21 pounder from BJs and it went into the fridge at 1 PM. Just enough time with a cushion. :)
  13. Lew Newby

    Adapting gas grill recipes for SmokeFire

    I don't use this to guide my cooks but you have an info source on your phone. The Weber Connect app has lots of recipes for the Smokefire and will give you a guided cook. Just follow the app. It might be worth a try.
  14. Lew Newby

    You smoking a turkey for Thanksgiving?

    My family prefers spatchcocked birds off the Smokefire. Dry brine and then herb butter slather for the cook - top grate. We use the drippings for giblet gravy and they pick up the smoke flavor.
  15. Lew Newby

    Smokehouse Pellets

    I never heard that noise on my RecTec nor Camp Chef. My EX6 eats anything without complaint but when I fed Bear Mountain to the EX4 it definitely groaned. The Smokefires do not all behave the same.
  16. Lew Newby

    Smokehouse Pellets

    I haven’t used them but I’ve read good things about them in the FB Smokefire group.
  17. Lew Newby

    Smokefire on sale

    I ordered a full depth top grate for my EX6 and love it. I do all low and slow on the top grate and set my drip pans on the lower grate. Simple. If I'm grilling I remove the top grate. With the folding grate you just fold it back for grilling. For me - Sear + is worth it.
  18. Lew Newby

    Smokefire on sale

    Thank you Jeff. Spot on. Guys, I wish I could pick up an ELX4 at that price but this is not the right time for that expenditure. I've picked up bits and pieces on the new design since Jan 2021. If Weber goes to the drip tray of the conventional design then I don't want it. The open cook...
  19. Lew Newby

    New Record: 10 pork shoulders on EX6

    One upgrade on the Sear+ is a folding top grate. Unfolded it fits the full depth of the top rails. Weber MAY sell it for the EX grills but I don't know. Other options for a full depth upper grill grate are: Find someone that makes a stainless steel grate. The company that I knew aboout went...
  20. Lew Newby

    New Record: 10 pork shoulders on EX6

    Smart move on the drip pans. What temp did you use and how much time between the first one done and the last one done?

