Search results

  1. H

    Beef Short Ribs

    Looks great!!!
  2. H

    Maribel surprised me this Saturday

    Looks like a great meal!!
  3. H

    Chicken hot wing burgers

    looks and sounds great!!
  4. H

    Hanger steak

    looks great!! Makes me want to go buy some hanger steak right now!!!
  5. H

    Taco night

    Margarita made with some more fresh limes.
  6. H

    BacOnion Balls plus L&S Smoked Tri Tip

    great job, I am def gonna try those balls!! Tri tip looks great too!!!
  7. H

    Pork Loin

    it is one of my favorites, use your favorite rub and cook like these guys said to the 145 range and slice up!!
  8. H

    Grillin' On Weber and Santa Maria

    looks great!! I want one of those steaks!!!
  9. H

    First smoke - noob mistake?

    Looks beautiful!!
  10. H

    First smoke - noob mistake?

    Sorry it started out rocky!! It will be fine!! I burnt my self this weekend and I dropped food in the coals. It happens. The fun out weighs the risk!!
  11. H

    Grilled Shrip with Black Eyed Peas and Chimichurri

    This recipe came from this months Food and wine. Marinate shrimp in chimichurri for 30 mins then grill direct on OTG. Also make salad with arugula, black eyed peas, yellow cherry tomatoes and remaining chimichurri. It was great def doing again. We made two different batches of chimichurri-...
  12. H

    Taco night

    This cook was on Friday night direct on the OTG. Cooked boneless, skinless thighs seasoned with kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper and lime juice with some hickory chips added to the coals. My wife made a black bean and corn salsa and a fresh peach salsa to top the meat in the tacos...
  13. H

    My American born Weber Pizza Oven

    looks great, would love to get one!!! Hopefully they will move down to GA soon!!
  14. H

    WSM Minimal Smoke Ring Theory

    I usually get great smoke rings, last weekend I cooked brisket that had no smoke ring. tasted and smelled super smokey.
  15. H

    Big (15.5 lb) Brisket question

    I did a brisket last weekend around 8.5 lbs before trimming (butcher has done most for me--a little too much cap on from the flat on one side of it) I was planning on it taking several more hours than it did. Luckily I caught it in time and pulled it off. I try to give myself too much time so...
  16. H

    Hanger Steaks and Shrimp

    Looks Great!! I love hanger steak, too bad the only place I can get it charges an arm and a leg for it!

