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  1. J

    Help with temperature

    Here's another suggestion. If you want 10-12 pounds instead of getting one large butt get two smaller ones. I have the 14.5 WSM and I found cooking two 5lb butts (top and bottom rack) takes about the same time as one 5 lb butt on the top rack. You may want to rotate them at some point. I start...
  2. J

    Help with temperature

    Next time when the meat temp reaches 155 or so try wrapping it. It can't hurt to try but it will cut down the cook time.
  3. J

    Help with temperature

    Thanks I think your temps look good except for the Weber dome temp. I would pick a method and just go with one. Is this going to be another 20 hr cook?
  4. J

    Help with temperature

    Michael, My temp measurement through the grommet and the weber dome thermometer show the same thing. How did this compare to your probe temps mounted to the grate near the meat?
  5. J

    Help with temperature

    I should add I do use a water pan. I'm aware of the heat issue around the edges but I've just gotten used to this setup. I think what's most important is to pick a method and stick with it for consistency.
  6. J

    Help with temperature

    Yes, I use the longer grommet opening for the meat probe and the hole next to it for the air temp. The dome temperature runs 30-40 degrees low until I wrap it and then it's much closer. It's the only way I've ever done it. Since you have two probes you can do a comparison and report back.
  7. J

    Help with temperature

    I also have a thermoworks smoke and I put the air probe through the grommet. I usually smoke at between 240-260 measured from there. It takes me about 7-8 hours for a 5 lb pork butt. I normally wrap in foil when the internal temperature is around 160.
  8. J

    Odd Boston Butt

    Ok That was actually funny. Chris, I agree. They probably got a 10 pounder and split it in two.
  9. J

    Odd Boston Butt

    Yeah, that looks about right. 4-5 lbs is the size my local store usually sells but it's the first one I've goten like this.
  10. J

    Odd Boston Butt

    I've been smoking boston butt on my 14.5 WSM since last summer and today I discovered something odd when pulling it. The bone which is usually large and roughly fist size was about the size of my thumb and and shaped like a potato wedge. It didn't order a boneless butt and there was no strings...
  11. J

    Found - a drop-in disposable liner for the 18.5" WSM water pan

    I've noticed since I started using the liner that there is less water evaporation if you use water. Something to keep an eye on.
  12. J

    Weber says something big is coming

    I wish they would fix the cart design on the smart gas grills. I have a 2 burner spirit with that cart and the cart is made of cheap painted steel which rusts at the base. The top half works great. I don't see the need but our phones are already connect to so many things so why not the grill as...
  13. J

    Found - a drop-in disposable liner for the 18.5" WSM water pan

    I know that this is an old thread but I'm doing the same thing on my 14.5 WSM. I'm using the 10 inch liners and making a bowl shape just as described in this thread. After each cook I just pour out the water and rinse the liner in the sink for the next cook. After 5 or so uses I throw it out...
  14. J

    Best wood "chunks" from either store or online?

    I'm looking for something better than Western brand wood. The large chunks are ok but some are almost too large for my 14.5 WSM. I also find that I get a lot of small scrap pieces. These are OK on my performer but too small for my WSM. For those of you who tried Fruita how does it compare to...
  15. J

    Best charcoal?

    BB is larger than kingsford and Royal Oak and doesn't have that chemical odor when lit. I like it.
  16. J

    Shakin' my head

    I put a hook on my fence for the lid.
  17. J

    New WSM manufacturing defect

    Yes, If I do this it will be above the existing grommet. I do have a dremel I just need the appropriate cutoff wheel. Thanks
  18. J

    New WSM manufacturing defect

    I'm a bit nervous to take to cut into my WSM and I don't particularly like using power saws if I can help it. I assume if the notch is deep enough it should not leak enough to significantly affect the performance.
  19. J

    New WSM manufacturing defect

    I know some of you just lay the probe wires over the sides under the lid but my 14.5 WSM doesn't seal well enough to do that.
  20. J

    New WSM manufacturing defect

    Today I tried using this manufacturing defect for my meat probe and it was a disaster. I lit my usual 12 B&B briquettes with 3 wood chunks and the water pan was about 3/4 full. All vents were 100% open. My air probe was in the side grommet as usual. Normally when I run all the probes through...

