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  1. J

    Old 18"- Can't Get Hot Enough

    Can you post some pictures of your setup next time? Where is your thermometer positioned? Edit: in a prior post you said you put the probe through the side. Have you tried attaching it to the top grate? What does the lid thermometer read if you have one?
  2. J

    First couple smokes....too much charcoal flavor.

    Peach works well for chicken. I've found that even apple can be too overpowering if you use too much. The flavor should come from the wood and not from the charcoal but if it's too bitter I suspect you have too much white smoke. Kingsford has a definite chemical order when lit and ideally you...
  3. J

    14.5 R2D2 paint job?

    Did you name your smokie Joe mini WSM as well?
  4. J

    WSM thermometer placement

    I cut a notch as well. First I tried a dremel but the cut off wheel was too short so I borrowed a 4 inch angle grinder and that took care of it. Just file off any sharp edges. I used to run the probes through the grommet like you do and it was a pain evertime. Before notching I tried just...
  5. J

    Charcoal recommendations??

    You can do an online order at Ace for B&B and they will ship it to the store. I've done that in the past when my store is out. I've also found that the price varies by Ace location. I've found that the price varies by $1-$2 depending on the store. I got the charlogs for $19 at one store but they...
  6. J

    WORDLE - the latest thing

    Wordle 367 3/6 🟨🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  7. J

    Cleaning the door

    I just take a wad of damp paper towel and while it's still warm just wipe the drip stains off. I do the same to remove the yellow smoke stains from the exhaust vent. Chris posted a video about steam cleaning the WSM awhile back doing this.
  8. J

    Charcoal recommendations??

    I like the B&B charlogs for my WSM. I have the 14.5 WSM so I mix them with B&B briquettes since the charlogs are long cylinder shaped. I'll put on a pork butt around 8 am and typically done by 4 pm. There's always left over charcoal which I use in my kettle.
  9. J

    Cleaning and care of cooking grates and water pan

    For the water pan I like to use a dutch oven liner. I press it into the water bowl to fit. When you're done just pour out the remaining liquid or throw away the entire pan. Depending on how messy the liner is you can reuse it. I also wrap the outside of the pan with foil. As for the grates I...
  10. J

    Better way to put out coals.

    I'm glad you found that helpful. Just be careful not to spread hot ashes everywhere.
  11. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    I've read too many recipes online. I teach science at a local community college so I tend to fixate too much on numbers. I need to pay more attention to what's actually going on.
  12. J

    O code cleaned

    Looks almost new. What did you use to make it look so good?
  13. J

    Pork Butt Fat Cap or No Cap?

    I trim off the excess since I hate picking out the extra fat when pulling. None of us in our household like all the extra fat. More bark the better. I don't remove all of it since it does provide some moisture but just keep a thin layer. It also makes cleaning the grate easier as well.
  14. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    Hi Martin, I think your approach sounds reasonable. Do you have an approximate time it's taken to cook an average rack of baby backs using your method? I would like to practice ribs more but I can't justify the price and I would like to time them with the rest of dinner. Sometimes I need to...
  15. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    Martin, I would be happy with that. We normally do baby back when they go on sale. My last rack I over cooked. They were in the foil too long and then dried out afterwards. I had to cook them earlier than I planned to avoid possible weather. I'm in Florida so it could rain anytime in the...
  16. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    I'll just measure temperature through the side for ribs and at grate level on pork butt. Pork butt I got the times figured out. Ribs is a bit of a challenge. My wife likes fall off the bone tender. I like tender but not falling off just picking it up.
  17. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    Thanks Tony. I considered that or even getting a rib rack.
  18. J

    Replacement bowl woes

    Were you asked to send the first replacement bowl back in exchange for the second one? If you already have two new bowls I would be inclined not to bother any more and just use the best one. If the issue is just the leg sockets I doubt it will cause any issues. On a performer they are not...
  19. J

    Interesting temperature findings on 14.5 in WSM

    I've been using my 14.5 inch WSM for about two years now and I was smoking some baby back ribs this past weekend. When I first got the WSM I always measured the temperature through the side grommet using the temperature probe from my Thermoworks Smoke thermometer. After awhile and a lot of...
  20. J

    Finished this refurb 1975 Kettle

    With 3 daisy wheel vents that grill would be great as a smoker. $150 is the same price as a new one but the daisy wheels are an upgrade. Personally I use a plastic scrapper to remove the ash each time I grill so I don't see the one touch cleaning system the benefit Weber makes it out to be...

