Search results

  1. Bruce Bissonnette

    Pick and choose?

    Colby, go to the Kansas City Barbecue Society web page, then look for the events tab on their home page, click on that, there is a search function there that you can search by date, month, state, etc. For example, if you enter the search criterion, Missouri, June 2014, it will show...
  2. Bruce Bissonnette

    A picture is worth a thousand words or a thousand bites

    Couple of butts I did this past fall. and some smoked bologna.
  3. Bruce Bissonnette

    Pick and choose?

    Exactly right Mike, I meant he would probably end up in last place overall, his ribs and chicken could very well finish in first place.
  4. Bruce Bissonnette

    Apple, birch, or white oak to smoke bacon

    I happen to be one of those guys that thinks pork cries out for hickory. LOL But it's also easy to use too much hickory. The majority of my smokes are with 2 chunks of hickory, 2 chunks of apple and 1 chunk of cherry. Cherry gives a great color to the meat, but it can make it dark if too much is...
  5. Bruce Bissonnette

    Pick and choose?

    Are you talking about a regular KCBS sanctioned BBQ comp? If so, you can, BUT you'll still pay the same entry fee as the other competitors who are cooking all 4 meats and if you cook only two you'll end up in last place. By way of a suggestion you might want to look for some rib burns or...
  6. Bruce Bissonnette

    access panel knob replacement

    Jay, I just replaced my door knob with a compression latch and it works great. No more worries about the knob getting stripped or breaking during mid-cook. Here's a link to the thread.
  7. Bruce Bissonnette

    I want to go to the Jack in 2014

    Chris, I have been there several times hanging out with teams from our association who got "the call" As far as airports, I don't know I usually drive down, but I'm assuming Nashville as it's only about a 1 1/2 hour drive from there. As like any other comp set up is going on Friday, there is...
  8. Bruce Bissonnette

    Hanging Turkey

    Alan, are those the Pit Barrel hooks they sell on their web page, set of 8, stainless steel?
  9. Bruce Bissonnette

    Brining Question? Butterball Turkey

    Paul, I had two Butterball Turkey's for Thanksgiving, both stated, "minimally processed, contains 8% solution..." I brined both of them for nearly 16 hours using Oakridge Game changer Brine and they turned out excellent. In fact, I think two of the best birds I've ever cooked.
  10. Bruce Bissonnette

    Take a break from competing?

    I think a lot of it has to do with the money also. I mean it's no longer let's go cook some BBQ and see our friends, have a good time, and if we get a call great, if not, we still had a great time. Now with the money that's involved in some of these comps, and with so many people offering BBQ...
  11. Bruce Bissonnette

    Take a break from competing?

    Russ, I understand completely where you're coming from. I just finished my 9th year doing competition BBQ and while I still enjoy it, it get's more difficult with every comp to rekindle that fire and give it my all. I don't know how old you are but I will be turning 60 in January and I'm sure...
  12. Bruce Bissonnette

    Store that has it all.

    Here's a couple: http://www.the
  13. Bruce Bissonnette

    My SMC is mid 1990s which I havent used in 10 years, now I'm back in the groove

    Here you go Bob, I'm sure it work on an original door also, in fact I'll be finding out after the holidays. I have an older 18 1/2 WSM that needs a new latch and I'm going to switch from the old style to...
  14. Bruce Bissonnette

    extra large WSM

    or you could buy another WSM.
  15. Bruce Bissonnette

    Late Thanksgiving Turkey!

    How'd you get that turkey to stay on the cooker when it's laying on it's side?:D
  16. Bruce Bissonnette


    Looks great Jim, my bloody mary mix usually never gets past my glass.
  17. Bruce Bissonnette

    Another successful Thanksgiving Turkey thanks to this board!

    Looks great come my Thanksgiving plate never has that much empty space on it?
  18. Bruce Bissonnette

    injection recipe

    If I inject, I usually use 1 stick of melted butter and 1 cup of low sodium chicken stock. Butter makes everything taste better! :)
  19. Bruce Bissonnette

    Recommendations for purchasing brisket online

    Joshua, I love brisket but there is no way I can justify spending the money for a brisket that I've seen on-line. Having said that, there is Snake River Farms, Strube Ranch, and Creekstone Farms that sell brisket on-line, with Creekstone Farms being the least expensive and USDA Prime. Snake...
  20. Bruce Bissonnette

    WSM in a shed.

    I use mine in my attached garage, just inside the fully opened garage door near the SW corner and a slightly opened access door in the NE corner, and have done so for the last 11 years.

