Search results

  1. Mike Freeman

    WSM Maiden Voyage

    Now its time for a Stoker. Temp control problems are eliminated, sit in the house on yer lap top and watch the entire cook! Ribs look great.
  2. Mike Freeman

    WSM Maiden Voyage

    Looks like a flavorgasm on the way. Good job Sean.
  3. Mike Freeman

    It is done...

    Will do, we arn't too far apart, I am behind Cape Coral hospital. I did the pepper stout beef by Larry Wolfe this past weekend, it is excellent.
  4. Mike Freeman

    It is done...

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Sean H: I just pulled the trigger on the 18" WSM (purchased on Amazon through this site, of course). I had enough Amazon rewards built up that it only...
  5. Mike Freeman

    Pepper Stout Beef

    Larry, This dish in incredible. Thank you for posting and keep thinking up good stuff like this!
  6. Mike Freeman

    adding pizza stone to underside of lid

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Sean H: <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by...
  7. Mike Freeman

    Why is a WSM so much $$$?

    I had the CS as well, but after an hour and a 1/2 of trying to sear a steak in it I gave it up bought my WSM. Versatility is worth something.
  8. Mike Freeman

    Orange Marmalade Sriracha Wings

    I don't mess with them, they are addictive as per original recipe. I cook them so much my wife and friends think I should visit a BBQAHOLIC meeting.
  9. Mike Freeman

    Orange Marmalade Sriracha Wings

    Negative, nothing in it that will spoil.
  10. Mike Freeman

    Post a picture of yourself! *****

    Me in the tan hat cooking in the Ceramic Iron Chef competition in Melbourne, FL I came in 2nd in points, but my wife says it's also known as 1st
  11. Mike Freeman

    BBQ Pitmasters

    Too much like a reality show for me.
  12. Mike Freeman

    Orange Marmalade Sriracha Wings

    Google is your friend. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Google the recipe for it, not hard to make.
  13. Mike Freeman

    Orange Marmalade Sriracha Wings

    Wow, These are defrickenlicious, thanks for posting the recipe.
  14. Mike Freeman

    Lets talk beer *****

    For those of you that brew their own beer, try smoking the malt first at 200 for an hour. Smoked beer, it's delicious.
  15. Mike Freeman

    Anyone use orange wood for smoking?

    Wayne, I use orange wood more than any other. I live in south Florida so it's easy to come by here. Has a great smell and adds great flavor.
  16. Mike Freeman

    Starnes sauce copy

    I am still looking for a sauce close to Starnes in Western Kentucky if anyone has a recipe. I have tried making my own and I get close but not close enuff for my taste, although my wife like mine better. I used to just order it from Starnes directly, but they now have it made for them and "it...
  17. Mike Freeman

    Is the WSM the real deal?

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Chris Wagg: This thread brings up a question I have been considering for a while. How does a WSM or other charcoal smoker compare to the electric ones...
  18. Mike Freeman

    Bubba Keg Convection Grill

    I inspected one thoroughly at the HD in Fort Myers. Personally, I would not buy one. They are metal and it is going to rust, particularly here in Florida. It will not be the last grill/smoker you buy. The price when first introduced here was a tad over $800.00, and now down to $650.00...
  19. Mike Freeman

    Lump vs briquettes

    I do a lot of long cooks, 12 to 18 hours in a Big Green Egg. There is no way I have ever been able to get an 18 hour cook using K without adding charcoal and cleaning out the air inlet because there is so much junk left from the K. RO Lump burns hotter, longer, and with very litte ash...
  20. Mike Freeman

    You know you're into Barbeque When..... *****

    you have BBQ recipe books in your bathroom rather, lets just say sports magazines.

