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  1. SteveF (Alpine)

    EX6 Power Supply Fuse - Anyone have a source?

    Yeah but if the explosion doesn’t completely rip the casing in half, current will still flow and your component may be damaged...
  2. SteveF (Alpine)

    Cast Iron Pizza on the SmokeFire

    Yeah, bigger sticker shock than macadamias or marcona almonds. We get them at Costco and keep the bulk in the freezer. They’ll last for years in the freezer even though you’ll read that they won’t.
  3. SteveF (Alpine)

    Spinning the Bird

    Wow looks incredible. We’ve always picked up an “extra” turkey at thanksgiving for the sole purpose of smoking during the summer, but we didn’t grab one this year:( super jealous!
  4. SteveF (Alpine)

    Chicken Pesto Paninis!

    I wouldn’t have put that much if the wife didn’t first ;) soooo glad I did! Food coma followed shortly after🤣
  5. SteveF (Alpine)

    Tri Tip kind of weekend

    Wow, everything looks perfect!! So want to do those potatoes. Best part about tri-tip is the leftovers. Cold tri-tip sandwiches delicious, tri-tip grilled cheese with horseradish die for. I grill the sandwich with just the cheese and mayo then add the still rare tri-tip right at the...
  6. SteveF (Alpine)

    Novice Tikka Masala

    Oh man, that looks and sounds so delicious! Right up our alley 100%. And homemade naan what?!?!
  7. SteveF (Alpine)

    Chicken Pesto Paninis!

    Hey, that’s how we used to do them too. Still would be if we hadn’t inherited the press. And now we got to “pay forward” our Lodge grill pan to one of our buddies (y)
  8. SteveF (Alpine)

    Chicken Pesto Paninis!

    Thanks everyone, we really appreciate it! Pesto was so good we’re about to do another batch!
  9. SteveF (Alpine)

    Chicken Pesto Paninis!

    Had some fresh pesto we needed to get eaten, so here we go. Grilled some boneless, skinless thighs on SmokeFire and sliced thin. Slathered some ciabattas with the pesto, added some red onions and pepper jack and put 'em in the press. Ta-da, 2-3 cups of pesto down in two days! Delicious!
  10. SteveF (Alpine)

    Cast Iron Pizza on the SmokeFire

    Thanks, we really appreciate it! Happy to share any recipe, but alas, I'm not really a recipe kinda guy. Here goes for 2-3 cups : pick and clean a huge bunch of basil keeping just good leave and tossing flowers and stems(our sink is about 28" wide for reference) pack the basil in the food...
  11. SteveF (Alpine)

    Cast Iron Pizza on the SmokeFire

    This was just store bought dough we sometimes buy from our local Baron's market when we're feeling lazy or spontaneous. If you want to go down a pizza dough rabbit hole, I wholeheartedly recommend Fidel Montoya's youtube channel!
  12. SteveF (Alpine)

    Monterey Jack Chicken

    Whoa, food induced coma? Looks frickin’ awesome! I’m in the same boat as most on the eggplant. I think it tastes like a cardboard coaster, but wife loves it. I only grill it for moussaka. Did use any wet ingredient to make the dry stuff stick?
  13. SteveF (Alpine)

    Cast Iron Pizza on the SmokeFire

    I know, I know another cast iron pizza? For this one we started with a couple armfuls of fresh basil, which we made into pesto. Grilled a chicken thigh on the SF and rested and sliced. Next we formed the dough, “sauced” generously with the fresh pesto and added red bell peppers, red onions and a...
  14. SteveF (Alpine)

    Egg Salad Sandwich Disappointment

    That was the dessert egg😜
  15. SteveF (Alpine)

    Pit-Fried Chicken on the SmokeFire

    Fried for about 25 minutes to an internal temp of about 180(y)
  16. SteveF (Alpine)

    Pit-Fried Chicken on the SmokeFire

    It’s funny that even though I see it all the time in recipes and cooking shows, this was the first we’ve ever bought buttermilk. It certainly won’t be the last:p
  17. SteveF (Alpine)

    Pit-Fried Chicken on the SmokeFire

    Thanks everyone, we really appreciate it!!! Thanks! It would be safe to say we haven’t fried anything in over five years, but this was awesome!
  18. SteveF (Alpine)

    Anyone up for another tomahawk?

    Another tomahawk? I don’t think we could finish the first one🤣 perfectly done and looks incredible! I’m gonna go look in our freezer to see if I can find one😁 love the potatoes too! What a wealth of inspiration everyone here is!
  19. SteveF (Alpine)

    Pit-Fried Chicken on the SmokeFire

    We’ve been wanting to do this one for a while now. Sunk the chicken in buttermilk laced with Oakridge game bird and habanero death dust mix for 24 hours. Then tossed them in a mixture of all purpose flour and the same two rubs. Fried ‘em up in a blend of canola and butter and voila, wow, just...
  20. SteveF (Alpine)

    Naked bird

    Wow, what an awesome bird! Looks delicious! Sometimes I feel so lazy just doing thighs and drumsticks 😁

