Recent content by Lee Murrah

  1. L

    Hot Sauce as Sticking Agent

    Does anyone beside me use Louisiana Red Hot/Frank's Hot Sauce/Tabasco as sticking agent for rubs? I tried yellow mustard, mayonnaise and vegetable oil, but I have been using hot sauce since recommended by a friend. It does not have the stickiness of the others, but it works well enough and...
  2. L

    Anyone Make Their Own Wood Chunks?

    I like a strong smoke flavor, but I am not getting one on my WSM with bagged chunks. I have some recently cut hickory wood and am considering splitting and sawing it into chunks. Does anyone else make their own, and if so are the results better?
  3. L

    Jumbo Joe Carry Bag or Case

    I found a Smith and Hawken pop up lawn bag at Target that fits the Jumbo Joe perfectly. It is light but appears strong enough to do the job. I'll need to add a circular piece of plywood or the like to the bottom for stiffness. It is a little tall to fit into my RV basement, but all I have to...
  4. L

    Smoked Franks on a New Master Touch

    I picked up a Master Touch grill at Home Depot Saturday and injured only two fingers putting it together. I had seen a You Tube video in which a guy strongly recommended smoking franks, which had never occurred to me as being a good candidate for barbecue. We had family coming over for a late...
  5. L

    Jumbo Joe Carry Bag or Case

    That is a nice looking cover, but I am looking for something to completely enclose the grill, including the legs. The grill rides in the basement of my motor home, and it does not appear the the cover will prevent ash from falling on the floor. I am looking at a plastic tub with rope handle...
  6. L

    Smoking brisket with mesquite

    I bury mine because I use the Minion method of firing the charcoal, i.e., starting a partial chimney of charcoal and pouring it on top of the unlit charcoal so it burns slowly downward. If you put the wood of top, it burns right away and not throughout the cook.
  7. L

    Jumbo Joe Carry Bag or Case

    Has anyone found a good carry bag or case for the Jumbo Joe? I haul mine in the basement of my motor home, and I need something to keep the ash and grease contained. I have tried a garbage bad and a cardboard box, but neither is satisfactory.
  8. L

    Reusing Partially Burned Charcoal

    I've seen several references to closing the top damper to kill the fire and save charcoal. In my first smoke I used a full load of charcoal and cooked a pork butt for 10 hours. I was surprised at the amount of unburned charcoal was left after I killed fire and am sure I could have gone another...
  9. L

    The Minion Method ??

    I just dump the hot coals on top. It seems to me that with the can method the flame front burns outwardly only, but with the dump-on-top method the flame front proceeds downwardly and outwardly. I would think that a longer flame front path would give a longer burn, and that points to the...
  10. L

    Smokin' at Huntsville, TX

    I joined recently after buying a Weber Smoky Mountain 18.5" smoker, and I'm just now getting around to introducing myself. I took up barbecuing seriously after retirement and started with a New Braunfels Longhorn Deluxe horizontal smoker using mainly stick wood for fuel. I have had good luck...
  11. L

    Do you rub?

    I shake a whole bottle of Tabasco or Frank's Red Hot onto ribs or brisket before applying the rub. Then vacuum seal and refrigerate 24-48 hours. It adds some flavor, but surprising no detectable heat.
  12. L

    Heat Shield Attachment Question

    I just bought a WSM and assembled it. However, I have a question about attaching the heat shield to the legs (the first step in the assembly). Is the heat shield supposed to be firmly attached? Mine sits on the tabs and comes off very easily. I am doing an initial burn to cure it and...

