Recent content by DuaneMac

  1. DuaneMac

    Corned Beef Recipe

    We’ve been using that same recipe the last couple years, always turns out great! Last year
  2. DuaneMac

    Tri-Tip Tacos

    I’m sure someone sells just adobo sauce. I used this recipe a couple years ago when I wanted a decent amount for a marinade.
  3. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  4. DuaneMac

    Thank you folks!

    Good to hear she’s home!
  5. DuaneMac

    Big B/Day Celebrations!

    Sounds like everyone had a good time! Happy Birthday to all! There’s a Kalahari Resort about 1 hour 45 minutes away from me here in PA located in the Pocono Mtns.
  6. DuaneMac

    Bleu Cheese burgers.... how do you keep the crumbled bleu cheese from rolling off?

    I’ll either use the Castello sliced blue mentioned above or St Augur which is a creamier style blue cheese I get at Costco. I smear it into little patties.
  7. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  8. DuaneMac

    The Battery Snow Blower I got

    Went to use my SnoJoe yesterday, put in the battery, and nothing…worked fine last week.
  9. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  10. DuaneMac


    I’ve been craving a cheesesteak since you posted! Decided to have one for lunch today in honor of the Birds big win. Little pieces of cheese are for the dog
  11. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  12. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  13. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

  14. DuaneMac

    Does anyone care about today's game?

    Not huge sports fans but as we’re in Eastern PA we’d like to see the Eagles win. Having a Birthday/Super Bowl party today (wife’s b-day 2/13). We just got back this morning from 4 days in Connecticut so limited cooking on our end. I did sausage/peppers and wife made potato salad, everything else...
  15. DuaneMac

    The Humor Thread

