zero mod lid hanger.


Kaz S

I've looked all over the site and saw all kinds of fancy do-hickies to hang the lid on. But nothing showing how you hang the lid on the side of the cooker for some reason.

So here's how I hang the lid and both grates to clean the water bowl.


Works great for me. Also, works with the plastic handles. Haven't tried a hot cooker with plastic handles tho.
I've been at this for 15 years and never seen that! Thanks for sharing, you learn something new every day!

Crazy! I can't believe I showed The Master a trick!

Some things can be so simple they are simply overlooked. As shaun notes it also works good on smokey joes.

Another pic.


Chris please feel free to use the ideas or photos or take more/better photos I would just love to see it on the
Unbelievable. I am not sure I will ever do that, but I can not believe I have never heard of it or seen it!

As Kaz said, it definitely works on plastic handles, although the "right angle" of the wood ones seem a slightly more secure fit.
Yep, I did this with mine before I switched to wood handles. I've been too afraid to put all of the weight on the old wood handles so now I just set it down.

Never thought of hanging the smaller grate like that though. Thanks for the tip!
I've been hanging my top grate like that, but never thought of piggy backing the bottom grate on it or hanging the lid off the handle.

Good idea!
By the way, the new style handles (darker gray) probably will not work with this trick. I was just looking at a thread with a picture of them and there is no "overhang" on the edge to grab the rim.

Keep in mind I have no idea if this dark gray style handle will ever make it to the WSM or if they are only used for the kettles.
This is the new handle. I have no idea if it will work. Shoot if chris didn't know then the smokey mountain folks at weber probably don't know that the handle hangs the lid either.

Good idea Kaz! I tried that with the plastic handles on a cold WSM and it does hold ,but when it's hot and the greasy buildup around the lid gets loose, I loose friction.
Maybe adding a small screw or bolt/peg at the tip of the handle might help?
Edit: A small file or hacksaw to cut a groove will work on the older plastic handles (like mine)
Thank's Kaz.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by timothy:
A small file or hacksaw to cut a groove will work on the older plastic handles (like mine)
Thank's Kaz.

Tim </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That ought to work.

