Your Wood Choice For A Boston Butt?


Michael M.

Just thinking about doing this for the 4th of July in a few weeks. Obviously there's a number of ways to go on this question.
My own thought is for a nice cherry/apple mix but what is the thinking here from the group?
I mostly use Oak and Hickory.

I use to use more Cherry when I lived in VA and it was plentiful and relatively inexpensive (someone was always trimming).

Cherry/Apple would be fine.
Mostly Pecan as a base for it's mild flavor and nuttiness. If I want it stronger, I add some hickory. If I want it mild/medium, I'll throw in some oak... And if I'm really feeling adventurous, I'll use a chunk of fruit wood like cherry or apple. I just think that pecan is the perfect wood for pork.
Yes Michael, cherry and apple is wonderful!
I use this combo a lot and I think it's the best.
...and since you have plenty of time between now and Our Country's Independence Day
, a suggestion for a fantastic rub, A Butt Rub (for Jane).
Using this rub will NOT disappoint you whatsoever! It's KnockoutGreat!
Sugar Maple for all pork is what I prefer .. I've used Hickory on butts before with very good results...
Hickory's my mainstay, but lately I've been using a 50/50 hickory apple (2 fist-sized hickory and 2 fist-sized apple) and hickory/cherry in the same proportions.
I usually prefer hickory with pork although I use pecan occasionally. I like pecan because it is a little milder than hickory. I'll usually do pork with a bit of hickory and add some milder fruit woods. My latest smoke was done with 2 chunks of hickory, three chunks of pecan, and a handful of cherry chips.

If I had to pick just one for pork, I'd do hickory. I hear oak is similar but I don't have any experience with it.
This here is Pat channeling Myron Mixon and Myron says you gotta use South Georgia Peach wood for your pork butt! (Actually, I really like peach wood for smoking butts, but since I can never seem to get my hands on it, I use pecan and apple 50/50).

Pat (channeling Myron)

