Your Competition Bruce?

Yep, Larry, I did see that one. Madison is my main market area. I think I am OK competing for sales there, but I think I will lose out on some good rehab grill curb alert candidates since he lives right there and I have to drive an hour.
You still have to wait and see if this is just a one-time deal. He may find it isn’t a ticket to easy money and bail out. But, if not, honest competition just helps us all keep our edge.
This is mine.

Bruce has a leg up as he sandblasts his fireboxes and looks way newer than mine, so he can ask for more.

I just sold today, and will just have to deliver it 10 min away.

I'm just trying to recoup the money I spent on mine (Santana FB, grates, etc)

I have 1-2 more that I'm working on,but after that, I'll prob take a break unless another one drops into my lap (ie free on the curb in my neighborhood)
All these pics and posts of great looking old Weber gassers really make me wish I'd kept my old one.... on the outside chance that I ever need to buy another gas grill, I'd buy from you Bruce! I bet that other guy is cool, but not as cool as you are!
Thanks John, Jon, Timothy and Alex, I really appreciate the compliments. John: Will you be attending out Grill Meet in June????

I certainly don't consider my rehabs to be all that. I have seen better on this list.
So great story about this flip *note the sarcasm*. The guy message me the next day, and saying the temp on the grill was only getting up to 350. I told him that I'd drop by later that week to troubleshoot.

I started gathering extra parts (burner tubes, regulator, thermometer) to test on my grill at home to make sure it worked before bringing them over. I don't have any new burner tubes, so I was using existing tubes from other rehabs. I picked the ones that look like they are in decent condition, and they won't fit in the firebox with the regulator (too short). I measured the firebox, tried different tubes, tried different regulators. I got so frustrated, I called it a night and was questioning my abilities to troubleshoot these grills.

The next night, I picked up from where I left off. I decided to pull ALL the burners tubes I had, regardless of the condition. That's when I measured them, I just happened to grab multiple tubes from an old Silver B, and that's why I couldn't get anything to fit. I guess I was too tired the night before to consider this. I tested everything, and I now have a regulator and burner tubes that I know work and get up to temps of 500+.

Regarding the thermometer that I included in the flip, I originally bought a new one on Amazon, GASPRO Accurate Thermometer , and condensation got behind the glass, so I sent for a replacement one. It didn't come in time when I had to deliver, so I grabbed what I thought was a clean/decent looking one. I actually think everything is fine on the grill I sold, and the thermometer I included is faulty (i'll find out tonight), but now I know better for future flips.

Check EVERYTHING so I don't have to make another trip.
Thanks John, Jon, Timothy and Alex, I really appreciate the compliments. John: Will you be attending out Grill Meet in June????

I certainly don't consider my rehabs to be all that. I have seen better on this list.
I think yours are some of the best I've ever seen. I've done plenty but yours are top tier.
Your Welcome, keep us up to date on your findings.

I didn't have to do anything. I followed the instructions from the video,and the grill heated up in no time (actually faster than the one I have at home).

The thermometer was working fine too.

I think the buyer just didn't wait between turning on the propane tank, and firing up the grill.

I'm just glad he has a working grill. Thanks again for the video @LMichaels
This certainly brings up a very interesting, yet delicate subject to discuss.
Alex, please allow me to use your post as a little bit of a sounding board.
Many of us that post, and also many more that lurk here are in the flipping biz.
As a general rule most abide by some sort of a gentlemen's agreement, with
some unwritten rules. Most markets have plenty of good stuff available to go
around. There will always be the occasional unicorn that pops up and someone
may step on someone's toes, but as long as everyone puts out a little effort to
keep from upsetting the apple cart, folks can get by and maintain a slightly
competitive business arrangement/ friendship.

Most of the regulars that post here are also very helpful, possibly to the detriment
of their own wallet. They want to show folks tips techniques they have learned
to keep others here from repeating their same mistakes. That can bite them in
the rear though when someone in their same market chooses to use the information
that was shared to start or improve with their own flipping.

I get it. It's a free country. As far as I know, no one here has applied for patents,
trademarked their products, or in most cases even registered their business's name
if they bothered to make one at all. Guys in your own market that steal your ideas
of how you restore things, copy your ads, or even go as far as to possibly suggest
that they are somehow associated with the reputable restoration guys are likely not
even breaking any laws. That does not make it right though. What it does, is make
you look like a foolish copycat. Someone without an original or idea of their own.
You know ... basically a jerk.

In short ... there are plenty of grills out there that need rehabbing, and plenty of
folks that appreciate the work we do. Most of the world was smart enough to
find better hobbies than rehabbing greasy grills. Those of us that have not found
a cleaner hobby should all find a way to coexist without ruffling another guys feathers.

