Well I never got out to dump my pellets today. So the quandry will be unanswered for now. Especialy since there is a 4 letter word expected in my area this weekend

I know the water pans likely cooled the chamber a bit. But, even when removed I could not get temps to recover.
When I looked up the pellets on the Costco site, there was a lot of complaints with all different kinds of grills complaining of grills not being able to achieve temps. I imagine in summer the high ambient temps offset this and it's not a concern. I would have to think this also since, I have run Kirkland pellets in exclusively since my second hopper full. And a whole lotta Q has passed under that lid.
THis is the first time I have tried to get it over 300 in cold weather. I have noticed higher fuel consumption since weather has chilled though. But, I figured it went with the territory