

Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I went back in time for this one, re-reading THIS POST from Mildo in Prague with his lovely rendition of Yakitori. I didn't have any carrots, so I couldn't match Mildo's lovely cross hatch stacking of carrot sticks, but I did my best...... I also didn't have any sake in the house, so I subbed vodka in the marinade and basting sauce. Marinated boneless/skinless thighs overnight, skewered them up, and grilled them direct on a medium-hot charcoal fire. I basted and turned every couple of minutes until they were done. It's been a while since I have done this cook, and I really don't know why. Simple and delicious!

On the fire:


Off the fire:


On the plate:


First time I've fired up a grill mid-week in quite some time.....felt great! :) Grill on!

That should be "YUMITORI" !!! I'd like a helping of those! I just did a marinade that required Sake and I too ended up using vodka. Just one of those ingredients that we really have to plan to get if we want to use it.
Rich, that looks delicious. I remember doing that in the challenge pit in Aug. 2014. It sure was fun and so good.
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