Y-Town Grilling (In The Cold)



I can't let this cold bring me down anymore.
Tonight I did some stuffed burgers on the gasser.

It was a bit colder than I thought, I took this picture just about the time I couldn't feel my little toe anymore.

Even though the temp was a bit on the nippy side the burgers came out great.
I did have one that had a little leakage problem, but it made for a great picture.

Sorry no plate pictures, I was a bit hungry.
Hope everyone has a great week. This crummy cold will be past us, and we'll be out grilling in force.
that's the funkiest Weber Gas Grill I've ever seen!
Musta been when they were located in China? ;)

just razzin' ya Mark, looks like your burger is stickin' his/her tongue out at me :p
that's the funkiest Weber Gas Grill I've ever seen!
Musta been when they were located in China? ;)

just razzin' ya Mark, looks like your burger is stickin' his/her tongue out at me :p
Yes, my gasser isn't a Weber, but she is old and does me good. I've thought about upgrading her to a 2 burner Spirit E210 folding sides, but she's part of the family. I planned to use my Performer tonight, but my after cook charcoal container is under a foot of snow, it was cold out, I was tired after work, the sun was going down, the moon was in the wrong phase, and the tide was going out. :p Seriously it was just to darn cold to clean up the charcoal grill, so I wimped out.

