WSM Stacker

Russell, went to their website and tried to see what it would cost in the US. They don't have US of A listed to be able to ship to

I understand.

Marco says
the stacker will be available in the US soon.

If they opened a factory here, this is what it might cost. I guess more likely they will ship them overseas and the shipping costs will be reflected in the final price.
Originally posted by Russell Y:
This place - Stacker

has the stacker listed for 34.99 GBP. This translates to $70 US.

Sounds like a good deal.

That stacker is for their model smoker which is slightly smaller in diameter then the WSM. I'd suspect the WSM model should be similar in cost though.

My only minor concern is it looks like the lid slips over that unit vs sitting in it like it does on top of the WSM, you may eventually get some grease running down the lid and down the outside of the stacker. Should be easy to just clean it up though.
Originally posted by Paul Balzotti:
Didn't we come up with BBQ? Don't we deserve this here?

Hey, wait a minute. Didnt we Europeans discover your continent 500 year ago in
the first place ?

What would be holding up Weber from making a Stacker to correctly fit our American WSM's?Certainly not a manufacturing complexity issue.
I don't like to use stuff that doesn't fit right. How about we all let Weber know we want Stackers?
How many of us slapped our foreheads and said "Why
didn't I think of that?" Hats off to Ian.

I can't wait to do butts (x4) over brisket.

Originally posted by Al Smith:
What would be holding up Weber from making a Stacker to correctly fit our American WSM's?Certainly not a manufacturing complexity issue.
I don't like to use stuff that doesn't fit right. How about we all let Weber know we want Stackers?

Who knows, ProQ beat them to it. They already made stackers for their own smokers, now they have made one the right size for the WSM. Personally I'd rather have Weber concentrate their efforts on a 22 1/1 inch WSM.
Originally posted by Al Smith:
What would be holding up Weber from making a Stacker to correctly fit our American WSM's?Certainly not a manufacturing complexity issue.
I don't like to use stuff that doesn't fit right. How about we all let Weber know we want Stackers?
Al - I hope that Ian Mack owns the patent rights to the Stacker concept. He beat Weber to the punch, despite years of people urging Weber to do something like this. Given the choice and all things being equal, I'd buy the Stacker before the Weber product.

Originally posted by Matt Jones:
Personally I'd rather have Weber concentrate their efforts on a 22 1/1 inch WSM.
I'm with you on this one. I like the idea of the stacker but larger grates would be better than adding more grates IMHO.
Hey Don have you tried cooking directly over the coals like you would with a drum smoker all you need is 24 inches and it works great. I made an extention for my WSM to sit in and it is the best pork butts you will eat and the smell of that fat slow dripping on those coals is where its at. Let us know when and were these STACKERS will be available. You are the PIMP DADDY of the WSM.
I emailed Weber yesterday asking them about producing the Stacker. Got a reply from Brendan saying he did not know what a Stacker is, could I send pics. So I sent him(today) the URL from page 1 of this thread showing Don Marco's links. Also mentioned we would like to have a 22.5 inch WSM(with Stacker as well). We'll see what they say. Never hurts to ask...well maybe sometimes it does.

I got a lot of recommendations to use the WSM with the Stacker without water pan like a Big Drum / Ugly Drum Smoker where the meat sits high above the coals
and the drippings fall into the embers.

Well, here we go :

5,5 pounds of pork butt, seasonend with Texasbbqrub-Brisket Blend and Woostersauce.

Looking down

The Pork Tower

Heres the status after 2 hours, i just turned for the first time.

The smell around the house is just incredible.

~4 Hours

The pork was done at 3.15 am after about 7 hours...

I just put in in foil and let it rest until 8 am.
It pulled apart very easy and was very moist.

The flavour is just awesome, the crust is out of this world.

made myself a Pulled pork ciabatta with KC Masterpiece/Honey and onions.
Now thats what i call breakfast .

Theres not much thats better than this...

...except maybe a second sandwich *runsforthekitchen*


Don, nice pics!!! What temps were you running at the lid? Any problems with maintaining temps with all that additional space in the stacker?
Hi Paul.

The temps were a little too high at the strat because i got too much lump burning.

After 10-15 minutes it settled down to 240-260 and stayed around there for about 8 hours with very few tending.

Next time ill do more of a "minion" approach, lets see how that works.


