WSM hellllppppp!


Ron H

New member
I have been cooking on an offset for a few months, got me a WSM and have three racks of ribs on right now. I got the temp up to 275 but it is slowly going down and is now at 215. It's been on for just an hour. I had to open the lid and take off both grills to add more charcoal and then put them back on. I don't understand. I thought that the WSM holds temps. Please help.
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I have never not used a clay saucer or a water pan, and I have no issues holding temps all day. Usually at 210 or so (on the climb..minion start) I close the vents some, and tweak it to maintain the temp I want. This is for both 18s and 22s
it does hold temps with and without water, its a fuel issue, i always use minion method, i think you are adding all full lit coal and your temp spikes then dies. dont light it like your manual says, minion method works best
Sounds strange Ron, don't panic. How much coal did you start with. Did you start with a minon type method on your fire? Just trying to fig out what is happening to your heat. I do my ribs for 5-6 hrs @ 225, I use a full water pan and full ring of coal with just about 10 briquettes lit to start, lower vents open >25% top vent 100% open. Chugs long @ 215-235 the whole time. Hummmm!
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I used a version of the minon. I had half a chimney lit well and another 30 or so briquettes in the bottom with the middle pulled back. I placed the lit charcoal in the middle section with a 3 or so chucks of mesquite. I had only one of the lower vents open. I opened the other two and that is when I noticed the drop in heat
It sounds like you may have not had enough unlit coals to start with. I always use a full ring of unlit and add a small amount of lit. Obviously all you fuel burned up. I would load it up with fuel and add water to the pan if you are still in position to continue this cook in particular. Close down your lower vents to hit your temp and leave the top open. GOOD LUCK RON! Don't get discouraged, it's a great cooker and you will learn the tricks quickly!

Oh by the way welcome to the forum, glad you started posting, hope we have been of some help!
Unlike other smokers, at the end of a cook, the WSM will extinguish any remaining coals when all vents are closed. Those remaining coals are then available for your next cook.
As others have stated, fill the ring with unlit. You will not be wasting them on a single cook, like I would expect you have been accustomed to with the offset.
I agree with not enough fuel, if the chimney was fully ashed over and you only had such a small amount of unlit then i really think that was it.
I agree, not enough unlit. Last Friday, I held 225 for first 8 hours of a butt cook without any adjustment. Then 240 to 260 for next 5 hours and still hv 1/3rd ring left (18.5").


