WSM Gaskets



I have a very old (around 20 years) 18.5" WSM with a newly installed Cajun Bandit door and Southco Inc SC-62315 Lift-and-Turn Compression Latch that I want to seal with gaskets.

1. In order to get the best surface preparation possible, what types of solvent/cleaner do folks recommend to clean out the gunk in the top rims of the middle and bowl sections and around the door opening?

2. I want to use 800F rated Nomex gasket without adhesive backing, RTV adhesive, and not have to cure the bonded gasket at 400F.

a. What thickness, width, and length should I order to gasket the top rims of the middle and bowl sections?

b. What thickness, width, and length should I order to gasket the Cajun Bandit door?

3. How should I install the door gaskets. Should I mount the gaskets on the door or on the body of the middle section?

4. I tried asking BBQ Gaskets about their WSM gasket kit dimensions and was told that it is a proprietary design and they do not disclose them. They did tell me that the adhesive in the kit was rated to 650F.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.


-- Mache
If I am to understand it correctly, the gaskets were installed on both the top and bottom of the middle section. Can you tell me the rationale for doing it that way rather than the bottom of the middle section and the top of the bowl or the bottom of the lid and the top of the middle section? Was that the way BBQ Gaskets instructed you to install them? Were the gaskets of different widths and/or thicknesses depending on whether they were installed on the top or bottom of the middle section?

-- Mache
I did a bunch of internet reading and one forum the guy suggested the top and bottom of the barrel instead of the top of barrel and top of the base. It made sense to me. The gaskets are the same size. BBQ Gaskets even recommends the dorr seal to be applied to the barrel, but that looks ugly to me. Just ran it for the first time last night with the door seal done and I have zero leaks now. Works great.
Mache, I used the full thickness for the door (3/4") and cut the gasket for the bottom and mid section. Yeah, the gasket gets a little brown around the door but I like the look. Let's me know that I'm really using it.
Mache, I used the full thickness for the door (3/4") and cut the gasket for the bottom and mid section. Yeah, the gasket gets a little brown around the door but I like the look. Let's me know that I'm really using it.
That's the width, what is the thickness of this gasket material ? (? 1/8", 3/16" ?)
I bought the complete kit. It comes with two sizes of white Nomex gasket. The type for the drum is 1/2" wide and 1/8" thick. The type for the door is 3/4" wide and 1/8" thick. It also comes with a tube of high temp glue which i have more then half left over after applying the gaskets.

