WSM 22.5" Lid Thermometer


Boston Jeff

I have a spare lid to a 22.5" WSM . I Am looking to buy the whole thermometer assembly . I can`t seem to find it anywhere , guess I need a little guidance . Also looking to get the lid handles for it also . If anyone has a lead for me , it would be greatly appreciated .

I bought a weber thermometer at a local weber dealer. Or you could call weber customer service and order one. I went to the dealer because shipping cost was $1.50. Weber will charge around $12 for shipping. Sometimes weber offers free shipping days.
Ok after a little more research I have found part numbers for the thermometer and bezel that it mounts in .

Bezel - Part # 63026 / $7.80
Thermometer - Part # 63029 / $12.90
Shipping - Flat rate per order / $7.00
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I have a brand new one from an 18" WSM! I'm not sure if it's the same as the 22", but you are welcome to it.
Thanks for the offer Wyatt ,but I ordered it already , good looking out though .I`m not sure if their the same or not will have to check my 22.5 to my 18.5 and see

After seeing another member post pics of his 22 and 18 next to each other, I'm starting to think they are different sizes.

