Worked on my dad's Genesis 2/3000 last night



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Well as some may have known last week I discovered my dad's grill had the Xover burner totally broken in half (yet it somehow still was working even thought he left side had dueling flame throwers lol)
Well this was the first time the burners were coming out since new (1993). Lets just say the 2 wing nut bolts were a "challenge" :D After a few choice words, plenty of PBlaster, judicious back and forth I got them out. I also discovered a modification I had done to his grill a number of years back (perhaps even before I joined this board). I had noted that Weber had added deflectors under the burners on the then new 2011 front control units. I decided to test that on my own grills and my dad's. Well my grill I had been doing some work on it before giving it to son in law and lost the deflectors. But my dad's has not been touched in all those years. Through those years it has been performing very well (note too it has the custom made flavo bars of very heavy 304SS in a single row.
So I managed to get things pretty well scraped out, the new Amazon burners installed (no adj necessary there either perfect blue flames), and cooked a couple 1.5" thick prime strips I had cut for his Sunday dinner. I think the results speak for themselves. I realize the grill is dirty. It's hard living 60 miles away as I cannot really take as good care for it as I would like. But it's perfectly functional. And I think the deflector mod has shown itself well over the 7 or so years ago I did it. 20201129_161653.jpg20201129_161701.jpg20201129_161702.jpg20201129_161926.jpg20201129_161954.jpg20201129_162036.jpg20201129_162938.jpg20201129_162941.jpg20201129_162947.jpg20201129_163206.jpg20201129_173144.jpg20201129_173300.jpg20201129_173303.jpg
Looks great, I just scrape the box out w a scraper, I dont need it be perfectly clean just functional and not causing a fire, great work
Yep, it's all I did. Funny I forgot the box had not been scraped out since I put the deflectors in such a long time ago. One side effect is having grease catch fire in the drip tray was nearly a thing forgotten. Because even if flames started down there they were blocked from propagating upwards
Yep, it's all I did. Funny I forgot the box had not been scraped out since I put the deflectors in such a long time ago. One side effect is having grease catch fire in the drip tray was nearly a thing forgotten. Because even if flames started down there they were blocked from propagating upwards
HA! yeah i didnt think of that!
BTW the reason for the photo of the control panel was to show I got that wonderful Maillard reaction all over crust on those steaks without resorting to full throttle heat. I got it hot, set the burners on MLM as shown, allowed it to stabilize like that than threw the steaks on. Nothing on the meat other than some salt and pepper BTW. Nice thing about this cook method is the pepper does not burn and get bitter tasting. You just get an overall crust that is nicely seasoned. I forgot to shoot photos afterward but they had that beautiful rosy interior, wonderful crust and tender like buddah
BTW the reason for the photo of the control panel was to show I got that wonderful Maillard reaction all over crust on those steaks without resorting to full throttle heat. I got it hot, set the burners on MLM as shown, allowed it to stabilize like that than threw the steaks on. Nothing on the meat other than some salt and pepper BTW. Nice thing about this cook method is the pepper does not burn and get bitter tasting. You just get an overall crust that is nicely seasoned. I forgot to shoot photos afterward but they had that beautiful rosy interior, wonderful crust and tender like buddah
I reverse sear almost all my steaks now, but those are thin enough id try your way for sure!
Just when I thought I was done with my grill, you go and put ideas in my head!.. Thanks😁

So what's your theory/reasoning for removing the front-to-back flavorizors?
A long time ago a CSR at Weber told be they have seen better temp control (evenness) by removing the top layer. She said it's why they redesigned them to only use one layer. So got a bug in my a$$ talked to dad, who spoke to his friend (who also had a Genesis BTW) so he made a bunch of sets for himself, me and my dad. This is going back to when the B and C models just began showing up. Those custom ones are still going strong. As for the deflectors I bought some universal Charbroil SS ones. As you can see they're still doing their job. I misplaced mine but dad's I totally forgot were in there. The grill has been holding up so well and performing so well, I decided to simply put them back
Interesting mods with the deflectors, like the idea. I know my silver B was more like a fire pit than a grill. If it didn't flare up it wasn't on.
With the deep box you were able to get the deflectors below the FBs, wouldn't' work on a B shallow box.
BTW steaks look great.
Pretty interesting ideas, Larry. I guess I have always felt the double row of flavorizer bars were kind of a "sacred" Weber creation. Your mod sure works great, so who is to say. Love those steaks!

