Wood, sourcing, green vs. dry aged etc.



New member
OK, so we all know you can buy useless wood chips from all the same places that sell briquettes, my question is if I go to my local orchard and get some branch cuttings, should I age them or dry them out like firewood? Do I need the tree trunk so I can split it like firewood or will 3" branches do just fine? There's plenty of orchards around here so I have plenty of apple, oak, peach, cherry etc. to go gather.

More or less, what should I go gather and should I age it?

Thanks guys.
Fruitwood from orchards is just fine, and it seasons quicker than hardwoods like hickory or oak, which can take 6 months or longer. Basically, if it goes "clack" when you bang a couple sticks together, it's seasoned. Split pieces will season quicker, and don't leave green wood in a shed if you don't want mold. Just keep it off the ground, and preferably out of the rain. You'll hear folks say there's more flavor from the heart wood, but branches will smoke, too.
Real seasoned wood has to sit for a long time often longer than the 6 months already mentioned only reason orchArd would have wood useful to you is if they had a dead tree they wanted hauled off green wood won't burn well
Real seasoned wood has to sit for a long time often longer than the 6 months already mentioned only reason orchArd would have wood useful to you is if they had a dead tree they wanted hauled off green wood won't burn well

....or if they'd recently done any pruning, or had even a fairly weak summer storm come through when the trees were loaded with fruit.

There's no telling how many times I've come back from a local orchard with peaches AND peach wood. And it doesn't need much seasoning, either. Some folks use peach wood green...Myron Mixon. I don't anymore, but it's certainly best when it still has some moisture and a sweet smell. It'll dry out faster than you'd think in the heat of summer, especially if split.
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I use 2-3 inch inch sugar maple branches all the time and don't find any noticeable difference between them and chunks from the trunk. Fruit tree trimmings from orchards are a great source of wood.
Dave I wasn't saying you were wrong I live In the country have cut a ton of firewood apparently your seasoned wood is different from my seasoned wood since yours is for smoking mine never was until last couple years wasn't trying to offend you
I've got a cherry tree in the yard that I'll use if it needs trimming. Otherwise, I just call a local arborist and get whatever I want, at a very low cost. Here is about 1/4th of the pecan and bit of cherry I got for $40 (guy threw in an barely used electric chainsaw to boot).
Dave I wasn't saying you were wrong I live In the country have cut a ton of firewood apparently your seasoned wood is different from my seasoned wood since yours is for smoking mine never was until last couple years wasn't trying to offend you

No offenses taken. I've cut a lot of wood as well. The OP was regarding orchard wood, and in my experience, fruit wood dries a lot quicker than hardwoods, presumably because it's not near as dense.

