Wife kills Weber, claims "I didn't see it".


Stephen R

TVWBB Super Fan
I am currently in the process of restoring a 1996 Genesis 5000 NG "Green Machine", which has been fun.
So last weekend I acquired another 5000 NG, for spare parts, it only cost me $35.00.
Turns out this one was a one owner, and had lived its life under cover, with a cover, so other than being really greasy/dirty is in really good condition, much better than the one I have restored.
So I stripped it down to give it a good clean, and put the cooking box and lid down on the lawn in the backyard so I could get the grease out without making too much mess.

I came home the following afternoon to find that the top of the rear valve/orifice very neatly snapped off, like someone had hit it with a hammer.

Had me puzzled how, then I had a thought.
I asked my wife if she had , instead of turning her car around on the driveway, when she came home, been a bit lazy and turned it around driving on the backyard, where there is more room.
The answer was "Yes, why do you ask?"
Seems that she managed unknowingly to drive over the corner of the manifold, just enough to snap off the valve stem.

"I didn't see it" was her defence.

So, do I need to buy another spare parts Weber for my spare parts Weber, or is there an easy way to fix this?
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Weber will force you to buy the entire manifold so finding another parts grill is the only other option..
Wife driving in the yard....hmmmm. Still your fault.

My reasoning: As a kid, my dad ran over my bike. He didn't see it. The ruling: my fault. I shouldn't have left it out. Of course there were no apeals in kid court.

Kinda like no apeals in wife court.
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I would love to see a pick when it’s done.

Was a 5000 like a 4000 but with the bottom completely enclosed with doors?

One of my neighbors has a 4000 in mint condition he never uses it and every year I say to him when you are ready to sell it let me know.

Good luck with the restore.
Was a 5000 like a 4000 but with the bottom completely enclosed with doors?

Hi Frankie,
the 5000 is as you describe, a 4000 with three glass doors on the front, and the sides enclosed with black steel panels.

Apparently there was a 5500, but I cannot find any information about it. (Just did a new search and it was a 5000 with a 'Perma-Mount' fixed base)

My new timber slats turned up yesterday, so restoration nearly complete.
Photos will be posted when it's done.
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