Who's cooking today?


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Brisket is on, coffee is about ready, everyone else is still asleep. Nice way to start the morning.

Brisket is a 12 pound packer, rubbed with a little Dizzy Pig Cowlick, and resting in a 225 degree hickory/cherry haze.

Happy Sunday to all!

Rich G.

That sounds awesome!! What time should I show up for supper and what kind of beer would you like me to bring? lol

Hunter, since it's a bit of a long drive for you, let's just say if you make it here by 6:30p, I'll provide the beer (I have Lost Stout, Jungle Vanilla Porter, Castroville Brown Ale, and Driftwood Pale Ale on tap....yes, I homebrew.)

Just let me know if you're coming, I'll up the quantities on the sides, too!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rich G:
Brisket is on, coffee is about ready, everyone else is still asleep. Nice way to start the morning. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Man I love that combo! The whole meat/roasting/smoke/coffee/morning air combo is great.

I'm 30 mi east of El Paso heading to Phoenix--no cooking at the moment but I should be in Tucson by 3 or 4 and maybe I can crash Jane Cherry's kitchen and cook today. I have a couple tri-tips in my fridge and a bag of New Mexico chilies to offer so maybe there's hope yet!
Hope springs eternal! I've got a couple great cheeses and some cerignola olives. Got beans? A bean side would be good and a salsa fresca.

Rich-- What are you doing for sides for your brisket?

I'm doing some frijoles borrachos using a modified version of a recipe I found in an old Sunset Mexican Cookbook, and my modified version of the Creamy Coleslaw from Smoke 'n' Spice. If I get around to it, I'll probably do some cornbread, too.

Pretty tried and true stuff, but that sounds like just the ticket for today. Hope the road treats you well today!

I got two racks of ST. Louis cut ribs on today. I'm using the BRITU method. Put the scrap pieces left over from trimming to snack on during the cook.
I put on 4 pork butts last night - one for each of the neighbors, one for dinner, one for leftovers the rest of the week. Also had the Doctored Bush's Baked going on an expansion rack in between the two racks of butts. It was my first cook with guava, and it was well received. I was out early checking on the fire and progess this morning. And the beautiful Central FL morning, smoke and coffee were a wonderful combo.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Rich G:

I'm doing some frijoles borrachos using a modified version of a recipe I found in an old Sunset Mexican Cookbook, and my modified version of the Creamy Coleslaw from Smoke 'n' Spice. If I get around to it, I'll probably do some cornbread, too.

Rich </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


I've got that cookbook and made those beans before. What mods do you do?


Nothing too extreme. I replace half the chicken broth with more beer, I use crushed tomatoes instead of sauce, and, sometimes I'll put just a bit of brown sugar in, seems to heighten the other flavors somewhat.

I've got about a dozen of those old Sunset books. Some of the recipes are real winners.


Nothing too special. We use the Bush's Beans - Doctored with Brown Sugar and Molasses recipe and what we have changed here is the cooking method. We put the tray of beans under the pork butts for the last 6 or so hours of the cook. We also grab some shreds of the butts when we spritz with then apple juice, chop them up and throw it in to simmer with the beans. At the end, the beans have a wonderful dark color on top. Everyone that has tried them love 'em.

Cool, a two-fer on bean recipes. Thanks.

Rich - it turns out I have the HP Mexican cookbook, not the Sunset. Those seemed to be the only ethnic cookbooks I bought 25 years ago.

Can you share the recipe for the drunkard's beans?

1 lb pintos (soaked overnight)
2 slices thick bacon (diced)
2 Tbsp oil
1 large onion (diced)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
2 cups chicken broth
1 beer
8oz tomato sauce
1 jalapeno (small diced)
1Tbsp oregano leaves (dried)
2 Tsp cumin

1. Heat oil in large sauce pot (or cast iron dutch oven), add bacon (diced) and cook until nicely browned.

2. Add onion and garlic, cook for 5 minutes or until soft.

3. Add beans, broth, beer, tomato sauce, oregano and cumin. Bring to a boil. Simmer until most of the liquid has been absorbed (about 2.5 hours.)

I generally start this in the am, and once the consistency is where I want it, I turn the stove way down and put the (very heavy) dutch oven lid on and just keep it on the back of the stove until dinner. Works nice that way.

Leftovers (if not too liquidy) can be used for burrito filler (along with some pulled pork or brisket.)

Let me know if you like 'em.

Oh, and an update.....

My cooker wants to sit around 200 degrees right now, and I'm too lazy to fight with it, so I'm using one of those newfangled, smokeless, indoor, electric cookers to finish it off (oh, and don't tell anyone outside of Texas that I foiled it, too!!)

The beef ribs that I bought on a whim this am and threw on under the brisket just came off, too, and the "snacks" that I had (come on, someone has to do quality control!) were pretty durned tasty.

So, Hunter, you comin' or not?!?!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jane Cherry:
Kevin's on his way over. What a nice treat to have him make us dinner! </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Shoot you mean I missed dinner?!

Bet it was great...

