Who's cookin'?


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I haven't done this in a while. Sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee while the WSM comes up to target temp. I already have a 7.5lb butt on (the smallest package at CostCo was 15.5lb for two!! Must be German pigs.) Will throw some ribs and a chicken on later in the day. It's nice to have some peace and quiet to start the day....wish a sunrise was coming, but it's much too overcast.

Anyone tried any good new rubs lately? I am using one of the rubs from Texas Rib Ranger's book on the butt. It's much heavier on the sugar (white) than most, but it's been good on ribs.

Ah, well, just thought I'd say "mornin'"!

Mornin' to you from East Coast! It's an unusually balmy day for January (almost 50 with strong breezes). I was out "pre-dawn" as well putting on nice pork butt for later today. Nothing like the smell of smokewood and pork mingling together in the morning. I'm going to try smoking a big chunk of balony for lunch. Here's to old Doc Atkins...plenty of meat going on today
Dang it, Erich!! Now I want some baloney! My dad always throws a hunk of that on whenever he's cooking and I always forget.... Hmmmm, maybe a run to the store and I can throw it on as an appetizer for the guests tonight (or save it for me....) Thanks for reminding me!

....and, yes, I'm doing the Atkins thing, too (slightly modified.)


My two shoulders I just got yesterday at Sam's Club were 17.92/lbs. I am planning a cook for tonight into tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

The Smoke Hunters BBQ
Not cooking today the weather is just to cold for me today lol. Did finally get a decent price on some brisket and whole pork shoulders with bone in. $1.40 a lb on th ePork and $2.50 on the beef brisket. The closest to that was $5.oo at a local butcher. So planning for down the road. Going to Store here shortly maybe I might see if they have any butts.
Some butt going on overnight tonight - taking some to work monday, bagging the rest. Once they're done I'm doing a meatloaf. MMMM Meatloaf.
Just pulling the pork. mmmmmm, I'm full and we haven't even started serving dinner yet

Last night I fired up my bullet and dropped two 7.5 butts on it. the only hitch I had in the whole cook was actually getting the chimeny lit. It was kinda funny. We had rain yesterday from around 10 am which tappered off around 4 - 4:30 pm, So figured I was good to go. So around 8:30 I lit up the chimney, and it didn't take. Tried two more times and for some reason I just couldn't get the coal going. Then finaly about 9:15 ,(I am now 1/2 hours later than I wanted to be) I finally got the chimney going. And guess what.. I big ole storm cell comes blowing through and dumped the hardest rain from the entire day. Luckily the Coals stayed going and the cell blow through and left me with a clear windless night for my Mr Brown.

Got my butts from costco too. The were big and the fat caps were really small. Some nice hunks of meat.
Changed my schedule. Did the meatloaf this afternoon for dinner tonight. Then I refired the smoker for the butts. I'll stash one and the other is going to work with me in the morning.

