Whole Briskets in Northern Virginia??


Russ O

New member
Does anyone know where I can find whole briskets in Northern Virginia? I'm having a terrible time finding them. I've checked all the local grocery stores, Wegmans and Costco and all they have are the ~4lb flats.

I live in Purcellville, and the closest place I can find is out in the Shenendoah Mountains. I'm hoping there's somewhere closer that I'm missing that won't require me driving over an hour into the deep woods to buy some briskets.

I found another place in Stephen City that sells briskets, but there's a frozen. That's a little closer, but it's my understanding that I want to avoid frozen briskets, if at all possible.

I watch the bbq competition shows on TV where they all get these great looking briskets from their local meat processors and that's what I want. I've got 5 or 6 people that are interested in buying whole smoked briskets from me on a regular basis, but I only want to do it if I can find a reliable place to get good meat. I don't want to give them these tiny 3lb flats and have them be disappointed.

Thanks in advance!
Both of the Wal-Marts by me carry packers I've had good luck with them. I can't remember who packs them but I do recall they are choice and not the shot-up stuff that Wal-Mart usually carries. I wouldn't touch most of their stuff except the branded Johnsonville, Perdue, etc but give their packer a try if they carry them by you.
As was already said, check Wal Mart. The only place I've found them near me is the super WM in Manassas. Wegmans carries some pretty good flats normally, but not full packers. There's a Wegs at the intersection of Rte 7 and River Creek Parkway, in case you didn't already know. And I think there's a WM near the intersection of 7 and 28.
Thanks Jim - I called the Wegman's at 7 & River Creek and they said they had flats. I may head up there and at least see what they look like. I honestly thought Costco would be the place to get them, but they had these skinny little flats that were 3.5-4lbs.
Note that in many stores, especially in the East, packers are not displayed. (They are trimmed in house and only (often horribly over-trimmed flats) are sold in the case. If you don't see packers in the case ask if they have any "cryo-vac'd whole briskets" in the back.
Originally posted by K Kruger:
Note that in many stores, especially in the East, packers are not displayed. (They are trimmed in house and only (often horribly over-trimmed flats) are sold in the case. If you don't see packers in the case ask if they have any "cryo-vac'd whole briskets" in the back.
Thanks for that - I guess I'll start asking as a matter of course every time I go into a new store.

I'd imagined it being easier than this. With as many farms as are around where I live, I thought the area would be saturated with butcher shops. Not so. The only ones I can find nearby are small "all organic" farms that want $8/lb or more for their brisket.
Try Walmart. According to a thread here of a few years back they had them in Manassas, Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Also the Safeway off West Ox in Fairfax.

Ask at the counter.

